A Debate and Discourse

Presented by Sammy Benjamin with comments received in an open forum.



The Torah Teaches Us:
"I am the God of Avraham, Isshak and Yakov"

"I mean well and I have an open mind,  I will learn if somebody can convince me why I am wrong in what I have proven so far." - Samuel Benjamin.

May God give me Courage, Strength and Perseverance in this task that he has assigned to me. Even with this extreme effort by certain people/group to split the Jews based on their origin and looks.

Video 0 : Shema Israel.

It is INDISPUTABLE that we are children of
Avraham, Isshak and Yakov.
It is written ALL over in our holy scriptures.

Then, Why am I told that a Jew can only be Jewish if his mother is Jewish.

Father does not matter in this determnation ???

The most learned people will not even tackle this issue as it is too sensitive and they do not wish to give their personal comments on such a controversial issue. Yet others will accept it just because it was written as such and they were told to accept it and they will do so without even looking at the facts.

Why are we afraid that we will FIND THE TRUTH?



Updated July 8th 2010

When a Rabbi asked me if I was a Levi or a Cohen and if I was from Sephardic or Ashkenazim community, I naively answered, I am a JEW.


Video 1






Feb 4th 2010 – 12:52PM

The topic about conversions is a heated one and an integral part of this discourse "WHO IS A JEW ?". I am adding it to my list of items to fix.

The COMPLETE problem I wish to solve is real simple (yet made extremely complex) and is summarized below :
1. Reinstate the original covenant of FATHER being the natural giver of the Jewish faith to his children. Optionally continue in ADDITION that the mother can ALSO give Jewish faith to her children. In BOTH cases, allow the individual to decide what s/he wants to follow and make sure s/he meets the minimal standards of being Jewish that are acceptable to Judaism irregardless of how they became Jewish.

2. Accept converted Jews from those sources/countries where it was done with good faith and intentions with the best resources available to them in those countries. If there are enough Jewish people (5-10) who can give in writing as an affidavit that the converted Jew has demonstrated in good faith that they lived like Jews with good intend, then they deserve to be accepted legally as Jews and not have to fight the system and be persecuted like what is happening today.

Enforce BOTH these line  items and  other problems like discrimination and equal recognition will be resolved as a positive side effect of doing things the right way without bias or  prejudice or racial preferences.

PS: No word for rabbis, nor any leads to reach the main orthodox rabbis in the Israeli government who hold the keys to solve these problems. http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/02.gif

The quest continues ............



In an effort to expose the facts I have been making remarks about Europeans, White Jews and orthodox Rabbis. I realize that more than 90% of these folks I know as my dear friends  and have nothing to do with the negative remarks that I have made. I always meant well and still do.

My remarks were only intended to show to ALL what the system had done to certain groups of Jews and how it is affecting/dividing the Jewish community as a whole.

I apologize to those who have nothing to do with this and have always been my well wishers and I hope will continue to be so.

If I am wrong in any of my inferences and presenting of the facts which are solely my own opinions based on information I have known, learned and researched, I take full responsibility for it and will engage with anybody who will point out where I am wrong with what I am presenting.

If I have exposed those who did not intend to have their comments be made public, then I apologize to them as well. Please let me know this wish so I can keep your identity anonymous or not share your emails at your request.

However it is important that people speak up, even in anonymity to provide real life experiences, so that the folks who control/make Judaic laws know where/why it is hurting some of us who want equal recognition as Jews.

In this forum it is my intention to solve and reinstate the fatherly passing of Judaism to his children and a man's role in moving forward his clan/tribe/generations. A side effect will be to minimize/abolish any discrimination that exists in the Jewish communities around the world. A pretty daunting task for a little person like me to do alone. Hence my call for support, cooperation and understanding from all those who are connected to this matter and care about it.

But I do believe in my heart that it is INDISPUTABLE that we are children of Avraham Isshak and Yakov. It is written ALL over in our holy scriptures.

Shalom & Peace to all.





Some folks are getting pulled into this heated debate late in the cycle, but I believe every Jew has the right to comment in this matter. If this is not something you wish to discuss you can safely delete these emails, mark them as SPAM (hence never receive any emails from me) or ask me to remove you from my AllJews list.  You can forward this  email as you feel appropriate.

It saddens me that many Jews are afraid of revealing the truth. I am concerned to hear that people are afraid to provide input because they fear negative backlash at work or home or they do not want to get wrapped around in this controversy. I wish to protect the identity of those who write to me with their personal experiences and opinions. Please us the web link to provide your anonymous or self-identified feedback. It is SAFE. Of course you can always email me by replying to this/any email.


A Down2Earth View Point




You can enter your feedback here Anonymously.
Put "NONE" in place where you wish not to provide information.


Let the truth be known so we can make the right decision in this matter. Look at the facts only and avoid being judgmental on topics on who is a better Jew.

The issues on hand are :

  • Reinstate the original covenant that the FATHER is the passer of Jewish descent to his children. The Mother is equally important to do her part in raising the children but not the automatic passer of the Jewish descent as changed and documented today. This rule is being used as the IMPORTANT criteria to allow people to immigrate to Israel.
  • Open discussion that BOTH the Father or Mother can be passer of Jewish descent to their children. Raising children as Jewish is in the responsibility of parents. Being/Remaining Jewish is in the hands of the children after their 13th birthday for boys and 12th birthday for girls.
  • Identify and Stop the discrimination of ethnic Jews from third world countries as opposed to Jews from other advanced countries.
  • All Jews should have to produce the same paperwork to become an Israeli citizen regardless of which country of origin they come from. While customs and traditions differ from country to country, there cannot be just one form of documents mandated by the orthodox rabbinate that are deemed valid to prove ones Jewishness.
  • Accept that being Jewish is difficult and even in one’s lifetime, the most orthodox Jew can only hope that he has been living with 100% compliance to our Torah rules. Hence allow for tolerance in variance of strictness that people use to live their life like Jews as long as the important guidelines/traditions are followed.
  • If a Jew chooses to breaks all his covenants, then it is between him and God and he is basically cheating himself and not any one of us.

Revisit my web site "WHO IS A JEW?" (link below) where I have documented the communication in this matter. Send  your comments on any specific item/s to give your perspective/experiences and help make a difference to arrive at the right answer.

I will update this web site as I receive more information. My intend is to get as much relevant information as possible and then present it to those who can make a decision about what is RIGHT and what is WRONG (some of us already know in our heart what the answers are).




Thee has always been a debate about how the origin of a Jewish child is determined. Whether his father provides this trait or the mother does. Per the Torah, the FATHER provides this trait to his children. Hence the scriptures over and over repeat the resounding words of "Son of Avraham, Issac and Yakov" and NEVER even mentions once "Son of Sarah, Ribka nd Leah".

Of course ALL Jews do not agree with this biblical commandment. Becasue I think we Jews like to have something to argue about and disagree in principle whenever we get a chance to do so .

I have my very strong feelings and beliefs that I can back up with facts. But I wanted to hear for the learned folks on this list out there who can help shape my understanding. However please quote facts along with your statements as I will have mine to challenge them if you differ for the ORIGINAL BIBLICAL COMMANDMENT as mentioned above.

Here is my basic challenge to the interpreted version of the quotes that is saying that now the mother shall have the right to pass on the Jewish trait to her children.

(Important text highlighted in red) (My comments in blue)

The Mishna in Tractate Kiddushin (who is the author????) 66b states that if a child's mother is not Jewish, then the child is not Jewish.

"When the L-rd your G-d brings you to the land that you will inherit, many nations will fall away before you; the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Prizites, the Hivites and the Jebusites (it is pointing to specific tribes) ... And you shall not marry with them (pointing to these tribes) ; do not give your daughters to his sons and do not take his daughters for your sons. (indicates NO INTER MARRIAGE allowed)"  For he (the gentile father) will turn your son away from me and they will worship other gods...." (the gentile father will drive the son away from our God)

Now this is interpretation that follows ) - The Talmud points out that the verse only seems to be concerned with the son of the Israelite woman being turned away, "for he (the gentile)" will turn your son away. It does not seem to be concerned that "she (the gentile) will turn your son away." (it agrees with my comment that  that the father will decide what his son should follow - NOT the mother - mother will not turn the son away, this is never mentioned directly, just interpreted as such - even so mother has no importance in this matter, except for this interpretation) The implication is that the son of the Jewish woman and gentile man is still considered "your (the Jewish grandfather in this case ) son," (AH! it truly is the grandather/male that decides the fate of her sons religion ) but in the case of a gentile woman married to a Jewish man, the child is not considered "your son" (atrociously unacceptable biased interpretation without any factual basis) and therefore there is no concern about his turning away (a WEAK RACIST ASSUMPTION based on what this person wanted to prove based on his own PERSONAL VIEWS). This follows Rashi and Tosfot Ri Hazaken in their explanation of the Gemara. " (I disregard this interpretation as biased and lacks wisdom and deep insight)

Original text here : http://ohr.edu/ask_db/ask_main.php/202/Q1/






I waited patiently for all responses on WHO IS A JEW and got a few good faith ones from those who are willing to address this question. I was able to reply to any statements that indicated that mother is the passer of the Jewish faith to her children and disprove it. I did not hear any conflicting arguments about my responses.

That does not mean they agree with me. Most people have resolved themselves to the book answer and have shut off their minds. So I will go ahead and provide the final straw that will prove it beyond doubt WHY THE MOTHER IS NOT THE ABSOLUTE PASSER OF JEWISH FAITH TO HER CHILDREN. THE FATHER IS.

SO HERE IT IS : The background upon which I will lay down the reasons why the original and TRUE BIBLICAL COMMANDMENT was changed from "The FATHER is the provider of his faith to his children" TO "The mother (who survives her husband) will do so".

Throughout history there have been civilizations who believed and accepted that and it is the MAN moves his family ahead. It is accepted worldwide in ALL religions. Civilizations with evil intentions knew this as well. They wanted to expand their religion in a hurry by converting everybody they could or STOP the growth of their competition. Keep in mind, they all believed that MAN is the dominant partner (still a true statement). The WOMAN is the provider of the offspring that allow the MAN to continue his faith.

This is the reason that prompted these events that are recorded in history:

·         The Egyptian pharaohs killed the MALE children of Hebrew slaves, not the FEMALE. Mainly, to prove that the slave dynasty could be severely diminished and controlled. The Pharaoh wanted to ensure that no Hebrew slave male offspring would become the reason for the downfall of Egypt. Thus the separation of Moses from his family.

·                     Genghis Khan terrorized the world to spread his race all over the Middle East and Asia. His conquest was to kill all the males in the civilization that he attacked and take over all their women to spread his clan's genes across vast regions. He was very successful. It is believed the brutal ruler has 16 million male descendants living today, meaning that he must have fathered hundreds, if not thousands, of children. Genghis and his hordes annihilated every community which resisted them, killing or enslaving men, then distributing captured women among themselves and raping them. There was never any shortage of women, for he and his hordes used bone- crushing violence to wipe out all the men who stood in their path.



  • During the World War 2 many women had children but it was unsure who the father was because they were a victim of forced rape by Germans and others in power. Single girls and young women were often raped, despite the fact that the 1935 Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor prohibited intercourse between Aryans and Jews.

To BREAK this thinking and to prevent ones faith from becoming extinct it was important to change the original biblical rule that “the MAN was the provider of his faith to his children” to “the WOMAN will be the provider of her faith to her chilldren. I think most Ashkenazim believe this as a verbatim LAW, whereas Sephardic Jews still hold on to the ORIGINAL BELIEF. With this change all illegitimate children born to all Jewish women coming from ANY mixed faith is GIVEN THE ASSUMED RIGHT TO BE CONSIDERED JEWISH, irregardless of WHO THE FATHER WAS.

If anybody has any arguments up to here, I will like to hear from you. If you don't agree with this, then you will NOT agree with anything else I have to say. But I request you to read to the end before responding.

The RIGHT TO BE A JEW should come both from FATHER and MOTHER. However it should NOT BE FRIVILOUSLY FORCED UPON THEM if the person does not willfully wish to follow their inherited faith. This should apply to ALL Jews living in the world as well as in Israel and were born to mothers and got “automatic’ Jewish recognition. If they do NOTHING TO RESPECT the laws of Judaism, nor do they indicate any pride about being Jewish, then they automatically forgo their right to remain Jewish.

The right questions to ask to find the answer to “WHO IS A JEW?” are:

  • Do you want to be a Jew ?
  • Do you follow the Jewish customs and traditions (per your origins) ?
  • Do you impart Jewish traditions and beliefs to your children ?
  • Do you honor the Judaic laws that will keep you Jewish?
  • Do you believe in traditions such as the circumcision, Barmitzva, Kashrut, Shabbath, The high holidays etc.
  • Others that help you remain Jewish?

Firstly, this will allow all Jews who have lived as such, the right to be recognized as Jews. It will provide a channel for those who do not wish to be Jewish to not be forced to do so.

 It will allow the converted black African Jew to be proud of being Jewish, who otherwise sits on the last bench and is hesitant to actively participate in the services because he is afraid of being racially rejected by his Rabbi.

 It will even provide a channel to the non-Jews who wish to become Jewish and they can choose the level of Judaism as long as they show good faith and can demonstrate to their community their strong will to become Jewish.

Most importantly of all, it will allow me to perform the barmitzva of my son in any synagogue without being humiliated and having to produce certificates (from GOD himself) which the orthodox rabbi of Brooklyn can scrutinize to consider my family as Jewish and be accepted in the “foreign” Jewish congregation.

For this reason, and this reason alone, I am ashamed of those who call themselves good Jews but look down on other Jews and question their desire to be so.

May God give me strength to prove my point and get justice for all discriminated Jews in this lifetime. Aaamen !

PS: Did I mention : It is INDISPUTABLE that we are children of Avraham, Isshak and Yakov. It is written ALL over in our holy scriptures.



Truly and With Best Intentions,

 Samuel Benjamin, NC, USA





On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:


A great discourse follows with a learned Rabbi ... with my comments embedded in blue : I still need a person who can help start a political reform discussion in Israel at the Knesset between these two schools of though that will provide the rightful recognition of jews without discrimination based of their place of  birth/origin. Many of my questions and comments remain unanswered ..... :

Dear Rabbi Joshua,

I truly appreciate your response as many refrain to respond to such sensitive issues and your insight into this matter is important to me.

I will respond to your document with my comments embedded in your message in blue color.

If I sound negative sometimes, do not take it personally, as I think this is a learning experience for me and I wish to exhaust the reasons that makes me strongly believe in what I have learned and understood about this matter.


Dear Sammy,


I am not sure if we have met. Forgive me for my memory.
You have a great question that needs perusal.

Since you have already read the rabbi's response from Ohr Sameach I will not unnecessarily repeat the orthodox position. I will humbly try to share with you my conclusions of the Talmudic didactic process. The views are my own.

Although you are very straightforward to reject the "atrociously unacceptable biased interpretation" as it is without any factual basis, I agree with you. At the same time I beg to differ as to the conclusion that your line of thinking may lead to. Please bear with me as I digress.


Sammy wrote: I stand by my statements which are based on factual information and the experiences that I have been through in my life. To elaborate, apart form what is written in the books, this is what I see in real life and it is far too obvious what changes occurs in a family when a Jewish man marries a converted Jewish women which is contrary when a Jewish woman marries a non-Jewish man. If you have lived in India or Asia or any Middle Eastern country, you will have this experience based on the dominant role of the male in these societies. I do not have much experience with the roles of male in historical European and American societies and hence cannot comment if the male was the dominant partner or not. But if he was not, then it would explain very well why certain traits were assigned to the woman.

Let us look at our Bene Israel History for a moment regarding a peculiar practice.

We had a very unfortunate tradition of calling the children of converts (who were always women married to Jewish men) as "Black Israel". They were never given Aliyah to the Torah and were made to sit on back benches in the Synagogues. Families of pure "Bene Israel blood" never married in these families who were ostracized ( I am sure you will have a memory of this bias and no citations required).


Sammy wrote: Black Jews ????  This is the first time I am hearing about them.  If this is not racism, then what is ? I am thankful I was never a part of such a discriminatory behavior anytime in my 25 years of life in India and later in New York (both Kingston & Poughkeepsie). I never even felt it when I moved to Raleigh, NC. But I have experienced a feeling of being treated as a lesser Jew unfortunately in  Cary North Carolina. I love my rabbi and I want to give him a benefit of the doubt as what he must be doing is based on what he learned from  interpreted studies at his yeshiva.


I can think of two conclusions for this practice.

1. Our ancestors were not sure of the validity of the ritual that was being practiced - as Talmudic Judaism had defined. And hence we ostracized the converts and their descendants for our lack of knowledge.


  1. This was one of the older traditions practiced by our ancestors like Monotheism, Circumcision and Shabbath rest( we were known as Saniwar telis) and did not allow sons of these women since the conversion was not valid.


Sammy: I have never experienced any such treatment or behaviors in my lifetime in India or USA. I am lucky to have lived in a newer era when such unfair traditions were forgotten.


I beg to reject the first conclusion on the following grounds:

  1. Once we were taught rabbinic Judaism by David Rahabi, the 3 families who were Kaziz were taught well all basic laws and I am sure the ritual for conversion was also taught to them. Without that they would not have converted period as they were very pious.

The second conclusion is more likely as our ancestors had memories of Temple Centered Judaism and probably continued a conversion process before they were taught rabbinic Judaism (by David Rahabi). This conversion would be like the conversion of Ruth (Your God is my God and your People My people). No Beth Din, No Mikve.

If so, our God fearing community must have had a very good reason to go against another explicit law in the Torah of loving converts and not ostracizing them.


Sammy wrote: I am confused by your statement that  this is documented in the Torah, I need to see it if the Torah explicitly tells us that conversions are barred and the women is the one who passes her Judaism to her children automatically and not the father.

I believe in the absence of clear directives regarding their conversion process without a Beth Mikdash(Temple) and its sacrifices, which probably was a part of ritual conversion during the Temple era, they preferred to transgress a clear law.


Sammy wrote: I respectfully disagree.



It could be assumed that they did have a tradition of a Matrilineal Lineage. Hence children from a doubtful conversion were "black" like the majority of Indians.

This certainly is not conclusive but an attempt to connect a few dots with an example of a community which was never subjected to rapes and persecution to develop a tradition of matrilineal lineage as supposed.


Sammy: This is THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT to keep in mind as I unfold my reasons of maternal lineage preference.


Let's go back to a glaring example you did not include from the Ohr Sameach's Rabbi.

This is important because it is written much before the Talmud.

The quote is from the book of Ezra 10:2-3: Some of the Jews who had returned from the exile declare, "We have trespassed against our G-d and have taken foreign wives of the people of the land. Yet, there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Therefore, let us make a covenant with our G-d to put away all the wives and such as are born to them, according to the counsel of the L-rd and of those who assemble at the commandment of G-d; let it be done according to the law."

We know that the Torah forbids marriage with the non Jewess. But we do not have a conclusive decision regarding progeny from such couples. The above quote with the italics teaches us just that. Without a known tradition why will the Jews be willing to put away their sons and call it commandment of God?

We certainly have a Patcrilineal tradition as the children of Abraham Isaac and Jacob But they were no Jews then and they married according to the dictates of Wisdom/Prophecy. When the Torah was received at Sinai we also received an oral Matrilineal tradition.

There certainly is wisdom in this tradition. Isn't it the mother who teaches the child his basic fabric of values? He is helplessly dependent on her, not the father. Along with nourishment we can be assured that he is also nurtured in the path of her beliefs by default. The same cannot be said about the father as even without his presence a child can grow, and in fact will be in the presence of the women of the household (at least in the tribal world where Judaism evolved) and learning from them their values.


Sammy wrote: This is a LOADED ASSUMPTION that may have been true in the old ages. I think the mother and the father BOTH provide specific traits to their children and in my experience the father is the one who has predominantly provided the direction of religious faith to his children. Just take me, I have learned more about Judaism from my father than my mother, even when both were Jews by birth. My mother was more a comforting person when I needed moral support and healing. I am willing to agree that this can be a regional/cultural difference between the jews who live in Asia/Middle East versus those from Europe/Americas. Hence BOTH these school of thoughts ARE TRUE based on REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES.


To conclude I will like to point out that the Talmud does not interpret laws to prove them conclusively as you expected it to do. It merely works on a given oral tradition and hopefully tries to interpret that information from the text, sometimes rejecting its own attempts and trying others, to help us remember that tradition, and sharpen our skills at interpretation and logic as that it a very treasured gift that Hashem bestowed on humans. The reason I believe is to sharpen these tools to eventually try and "KNOW GOD" as best as we can. But that is a topic of a different discussion.

Thanks for the patience.

Blessing and Peace

Rabbi Joshua E. K.


Sammy wrote: Thank you for these insights that make me wiser. I accept that I am less learned that you are and also less experienced in life. So I am willing to accept I could be wrong in my thinking but nothing I have heard so far has changed my mind. Based on what I have learned about this issue makes me confident that my thinking is on the right track. My quest continues.


Truly and Best Regards,

Sammy Benjamin.


On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:

Some good dialogue from our friends are coming in.

However the wisest of the wise will not comment on such sensitive issues ...... 
Which might be due to many reasons some of them listed below .....

1. Are they stumped themselves ???
2. They rather not answer because they believe it is wrong to go against written interpreted laws.
3. This question does not matter to them as their lives are not affected.

I believe this racial treatment of who is Jew and not a Jew using wrongly interpreted laws has to be abolished. Who can be admitted to Israel cannot be decided by this flawed  law enforced by  orthodox control of the Knesset.

When my son needs a barmitzva, I do not what to be asked to provide  documented paperwork as proof of my Jewish origins by the European based rabbis.

I see frequently that people who were born to Jewish parents who did not follow much tradition themselves, raise children who do not follow any Jewish rules or traditions. However they will be honored to be the Aliah in the shul after they have had a pork burger at a local McDonalds. IS THIS NOT A DISGRACE TO THE TORAH ? However the silent devout non-white jew who sits in a corner, like an idiot drives 400 miles to get his kosher meat so he can be more Jewish and follows most of the Jewish traditions in his home is doubted of not being a jew.

Such automatic acceptance of Jews who don't care two hoots about being jewish  is accepted by the orthodox religious rabbis while they question my family's Jewish validity. I, nor my children ever get called to the Torah, and I have a dilemma of where I can perform my second child's barmitzva because my "paperwork is not in order" of the satisfaction of some rabbi in Brooklyn. NY, USA.

So to me this is very personal and I have vowed to address this injustice that has been going on for many thousands of years and the silent victim bears witness to these atrocities of having to follow the orthodox enforcements of having to CONVERT to JUDAISM using their rules and procedures to satisfy their ego of power as to who is considered Jewish and who is not. SHAME ON ISRAELI GOVERNMENT TO SOLELY GIVE THEM THE RIGHTS TO DENY TRULY DESERVING JEWS THE RIGHT TO IMMIGRATE TO ISRAEL. 
Have the European Jews, who seem to have control over such decisions in Israel,  forgotten already how their families were treated by the Germans and they were segregated as lesser value citizens and unjustly persecuted against. If they really understand the demeaning factors of such treatment then how can they allow race, color and origin stand in the way of accepting TRUE Jews from other countries ?

I can only say God is watching and justice will be served one way or another.
IN GOD I TRUST. IN HUMANS I ALWAYS USE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT. https://mail.google.com/mail/e/360

I am not mad about this issue but rather passionate and doing the right thing is what I seek so we can all respect each other as equally Jewish regardless of where we came from, how weird the shape of our noses or how many shades of colors we come in.

Ben, you should be proud to be a Jew and not worry because your mother was not Jewish. It depends on how much Jewish you feel and whether you do your best to follow the Jewish traditions or not. You cannot shrug your responsibility to God because you never had a barmitzva. It is NOT REQUIRED by hallacha to have a barmitzvah ceremony. You are obligated by hallacha that after the age of 13 the Jewish male become an independent worshiper of God. So go get yourself a tallis and feel proud that you are a Jew becasue you want to be one and not becasue people around think you are a jew or not.

BTW, just because Charleston Heston was shown to be white in the movie "The Ten Commandments" it is untrue that Moshe was really white. Neither was Avraham or Issac or Yakov nor the later jews like Jesus. They lived in the desert and likely had darker skin due to the pigmentation color that spreads on the surface of their skin to protect them form the harsh affects of the sun. This was correctly depicted in another animated movie "The Prince of Egypt".

Does anybody know how to start a reform of laws in the Knesset ?
I need to talk to the right person to get advise on this process so we resolve the WHO IS A JEW QUESTION once and for all to provide justice to those who are persecuted by the orthodox laws in place today.

Aaamen !

Truly and Best Regards,



Your comments follow .............

Daniel B. from Israel wrote on Sunday, January 10, 2010 2:00 AM :


Thanks Jonathan,


I don't think this is an answer to Sammy's question; any ways I am forwarding this to him. I suggest you be on his mailing list directly.


Sammy; Jonathan Riddle is a friend of mine An American Jew married to a Bene Israeli girl.


Warm Regards



Jonathan Riddle wrote on Saturday, January 9, 2010, 9:59 AM :




There were the Jews of China, there are five families of Jews (Jewish Chinese vs Chinese Jews).  They look, speak Chinese.  Unfortunately the last I looked they were still not totally accepted in Israel.  Their situation is similar to those Indian Jews.  Jews came to China for trading and intermarried several centuries back. 


If you get a chance look up the Jews of China.  Unfortunately the Labevachers won't accept anyone.  They lived down the road from my wife and I.  Normally they are ok and stay themselves.  In American they have no power and are a minority in the Jewish community.  Most other Jews here think they are crazy.  This is the opposite in Israel. Personally, their way of think is very primative and backwards.  They want to live like they are still living in 18th century Russia.  Look, the Torah was written during the bronze age by sheep herders.  They believed G-d would forgive them if they killed an animal in return and feed that animal to G-d.   


Later the Talmud was written to reinterprete the Torah, again written in the late Bronze age and during the beginning of the Iron age.  The Romans at the time were killing animals and looking at their innard in order to predict the future and they ruled the world several centuries.  Eventually their society collapsed and came in the Dark ages and the rise of Christianity in Europe.  It was a very backwards time.


Here is the best lesson.  India is growing as an economic world power.  Why? Because the Hindus are embracing science, math and engineering.  Those that are, are letting go their superstitions and their religion.  And from that Indian society is maturing and changing.  Some older Indians don't like it.  In society that is made up farmers and small villages family and religion might seem important, only because life is confusing and tough.  Then comes sciences which makes it less confusing.  Diseases are understood, it is not the will of G-d, but bacteria, viruses and lack of nutrient that makes us sick.   If you loose a job, it is because of economic forces and changes in industry, not cures or the evil eye. 


Life is less about luck and more about hard work and competition.  Being competitive is important. 


My mother always told if you put your mind to it you can do anything.  So if something goes wrong.  I don't blame G-d nor do I ask for help.  I believe in hard work, persistence and being competitive. 





Daniel B. wrote on Fri, January 8, 2010 12:42:13 AM :

The Jews are scattered and settled all over the world for more than 2000 years, inter-cast marriages bound to take place. In Bene Israel community Jewish children marrying out side community; the partner (man or women coming from out side community) were not accepted in to community and the progeny were considered "black Jews". But it seems these black Jews are automatically merged with modern Israeli society. This was bound to happen with any Jews coming from any country.


As it is Jews are too few compare to any other bifurcation of human race, it is good for the community all these are accepted as "Jews" 


Daniel B.


Nissim Moses wrote on Sunday, January 10, 2010 12:13 AM :

 Hello Sam Benjamin,


Attached is a dialogue between me and a friend of mine you might find it interesting




Nissim Moses


Hi Issie,


Way back in Time When God created Adam & Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden he instructed them to enjoy the fruits of his creation except of two trees, 1. The tree of Life & 2.The Tree of Knowledge.

As as it happens Eve the ancestors of Womankind generally being smarter decide that she would eat of the fruit of the tree of Knowledge and she shared the fruit with her husband. & suddenly Lo & Behold they became wiser.

God of course was very angry & banished them from the Garden of Eden.That was a very High Price that Mankind paid But that Decision was made by Adam& Eve for All Mankind That not Even God will decide what we shall know or not know nor tell Mankind what is wrong or right nor decide for him his course of action in life.

This Concept is firmly instituted in The Bar Mitzva & Bat Mitzva Ceremonies of the Jewish people where the Tell the new adult that from that day onwards he is personally responsible for all his deeds and from then onwards it is his duty toachieve excellence in knowledge.

So who are we to give this right ours to some Rabbi or other person to decide what we do or not do or what is right or wrong or for that matter who is a Jew or not a Jew. As you rightly said the opinions of sages can change but the Jewish Nation is above  this we are a people with several traditions and a very tolerant people not a bunch of racists.




Nissim Moses 




Issi wrote on 01/10/10 06:27:24 Jerusalem Standard Time :

Shavouah Tov Nissen

Jewish Tradition gives the duty to interpret what is right and wrong to the Torah Giants of each generation, It is also legitement for the learned scholars to disagree and may times there are more than 1 way to deal with a given solution and then you go to the Sage you follow and abide by his ruling

Now would you go for a brain operation to the most highly trained Neurosurgeon or to a guy who read a couple of books and claims he knows what to do

The leading Jewish scholars of each generation have spent 40 – 80 years studying Jewish laws and texts and their opinions have to be respected and not that of people who find texts and give their interpretation, there are many many layers to the truth and in it takes more than quoting a few texts to get to the right way So I chose their options


Nissim Moses wrote on Friday, January 08, 2010 6:25 PM :


But the sages you agree with are wrong as per the references given in the text. So which of the sages are right. The original ones or the rabbinic interpretation of today.

Today two rabbis cannot agree with each other.Eg. "Is Malit Shabbath Okay or not on shabbath".  So if you become 80 plus & cannot walk up to your 3rd floor apartment, you sit down on the ground floor & pray for the sabbath to be over ASAP.

Have a great Sabbath & Regards to Razel

Nissim Moses


Issi wrote on 01/08/10 12:29:48 Jerusalem Standard Time:

Was sent this message and my ans or actually what I believe is that since I am woefully ignorant Jew I have to depend on those who are more qualified and the historical answer that the Jewish sages have given is that a child born to a Jewish mother is Jewish and I accept that


Have a Gutten Shabbos


Issie Akerman


Issi wrote on Saturday, January 9, 2010 11:29 PM :

Shavouah Tov

 With all respect to your research, Jewish Tradition gives the duty to interpret what is right and wrong to the Torah Giants of each generation, It is also legitement for the learned scholars to disagree and may times there are more than 1 way to deal with a given solution and then you go to the Sage you follow and abide by his ruling

Now would you go for a brain operation to the most highly trained Neurosurgeon or to a guy who read a couple of books and claims he knows what to do

The leading Jewish scholars of each generation have spent 40 – 80 years studying Jewish laws and texts and their opinions have to be respected and not that of people who find texts and give their interpretation, there are many many layers to the truth and in it takes more than quoting a few texts to get to the right way So I chose their options



Ben Weinberg from NC wrote Saturday, January 9, 2010 10:04 PM :


Sammy!   First let me say that it is not only the Ashkenazim who follow the Matrilineal line to determine Jewishness, it is ALL Jews with the exception of a few small communities in Jewishly remote areas such as Ethiopia and southern India (these are not Sephardim!).  I understand that these communities have strong Patrilineal traditions, but I also understand that these communities did not read Hebrew or have any contact with the Torah or mainstream Judaism for hundreds or even thousands of years!  You yourself told me that the only tradition your ancestors had when the British arrived was making 3 fingers like a "shin" and saying the words Shema Yisrael

And as for the "proof" you offer from Genesis, it is no such thing.  Sure, Abraham passed his worldly belongings to his sons, but the patriarchs predate Judaism, Sammy!  The basic laws of Judaism weren't given until Mt Sinai, which is waaaay after Abraham, and the really nitpicky rules of the Talmud didn't really get going until the Babylonian exile, which ended in 586 BCE!  It's entirely possible that Jews up till 586 BCE had been following some kind of patriarchal identity system, but the first official ruling on the matter was when the Jews left Babylon

The children of Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers were left behind!  It's in the Tanakh, Sammy!  2600 years ago!  It's been that way ever since, whether you're Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Iraqi, Roman, whatever (except for the remote groups who either didn't get the news 2600 years ago, ignored it when it came, or forgot about it over millenia of separation). 

I doubt any of this will change your strong opinion on the matter, but I am not just saying this because it was handed down to me, I actually researched it quite thoroughly because I am the product of a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother myself!   Think on this.


Charlie Barkin wrote Saturday, January 9, 2010 8:11 PM :


Hi Sammy,
The Rabbis on Askmoses.com are Orthrodox and have very good explanations.
My suggestion is to ask them.
Your Chaver,



Previous posts follow :


On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:

- On 1/9/10, Yafa S. wrote:




Whatever be the case, the fact that we have been taught by our grand and
great grand parents right from the childhood is the following:


"if a child's mother is not Jewish, then the child is not Jewish".


I really never felt the need to examine the trueness of this but do
accept this fact entirely (let it be supported or not).


Best regards,


Sammy Benjamin replied :

Dear Yafa,
Thank you for your response.

I think most people are like you and learned this answer because I must assume your ancestors were Ashkenazim Jews where this rule seems to have changed from the original biblical commandments that is read over and over again in our Torah even today, i.e. The son of Avraham, Issach and Yakov.

I am learning that the Sephardic Jews follow the original commandment that the FATHER is the passer of the Jewish faith to his children. I have personally experienced about what happens when a women gets married into another faith/religion and hence I know this is the right thing.

But you are entitled to your opinion irregardless of not having done any background research. Again most people think like this so I am not trying to embarrass you but rather to encourage you to find the truth and believe in the right thing.

Let us find out what is WRITTEN IN THE ORIGINAL SCRIPTURES and DON'T MERELY ACCEPT THE CHANGED/MODIFIED INTERPRETATIONS WHICH WAS DONE FOR A SPECIFIC DIFFERENT REASON which I will reveal later. It seriously affects the recognition of many mixed families as Jewish because of this blind acceptance of FLAWED LAWS based on ASSUMPTIONS and INCORRECT INTERPRETATION.



--- On Sat, 9/1/10, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
To: "AllJews" <alljews@b-inet.com>
Date: Saturday, 9 January, 2010, 11:24 AM

Have we become puppets that we follow rules that are wrongly interpreted ?

Are Jews not allowed to think with open minds and correct the incorrectness that is evidently present in the orthodox teachings ?

Am I correct in my reasoning and what I understood from my learnign and the wisdom of  wise people I have spoken with ?

Most of all, what is the truth and that is what I seek.

I will wait a few days to seek your response before I publish my views with the background that I have researched and accepted as the true answer to this question.







On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:


Thee has always been a debate about how the origin of a Jewish child is determined. Whether his father provides this trait or the mother does. Per the Torah, the FATHER provides this trait to his children. Hence the scriptures over and over repeat the resounding words of "Son of Avraham, Issac and Yakov" and NEVER even mentions once "Son of Sarah, Ribka nd Leah".

Of course ALL Jews do not agree with this biblical commandment. Becasue I think we Jews like to have something to argue about and disagree in principle whenever we get a chance to do so .

I have my very strong feelings and beliefs that I can back up with facts. But I wanted to hear for the learned folks on this list out there who can help shape my understanding. However please quote facts along with your statements as I will have mine to challenge them if you differ for the ORIGINAL BIBLICAL COMMANDMENT as mentioned above.

Here is my basic challenge to the interpreted version of the quotes that is saying that now the mother shall have the right to pass on the Jewish trait to her children.

(Important text highlighted in red) (My comments in blue)

The Mishna in Tractate Kiddushin (who is the author????) 66b states that if a child's mother is not Jewish, then the child is not Jewish.

"When the L-rd your G-d brings you to the land that you will inherit, many nations will fall away before you; the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Prizites, the Hivites and the Jebusites (it is pointing to specific tribes) ... And you shall not marry with them (pointing to these tribes) ; do not give your daughters to his sons and do not take his daughters for your sons. (indicates NO INTER MARRIAGE allowed)"  For he (the gentile father) will turn your son away from me and they will worship other gods...." (the gentile father will drive the son away from our God)

Now this is interpretation that follows ) - The Talmud points out that the verse only seems to be concerned with the son of the Israelite woman being turned away, "for he (the gentile)" will turn your son away. It does not seem to be concerned that "she (the gentile) will turn your son away." (it agrees with my comment that  that the father will decide what his son should follow - NOT the mother - mother will not turn the son away, this is never mentioned directly, just interpreted as such - even so mother has no importance in this matter, except for this interpretation) The implication is that the son of the Jewish woman and gentile man is still considered "your (the Jewish grandfather in this case ) son," (AH! it truly is the grandather/male that decides the fate of her sons religion ) but in the case of a gentile woman married to a Jewish man, the child is not considered "your son" (atrociously unacceptable biased interpretation without any factual basis) and therefore there is no concern about his turning away (a WEAK RACIST ASSUMPTION based on what this person wanted to prove based on his own PERSONAL VIEWS). This follows Rashi and Tosfot Ri Hazaken in their explanation of the Gemara. " (I disregard this interpretation as biased and lacks wisdom and deep insight)

Original text here : http://ohr.edu/ask_db/ask_main.php/202/Q1/






COMMENTS-1 : JAN 27, 2010


1. T. Spitz wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 9:26 PM

Hi Sammy:


I see that you have made up your mind and decided to fight for what you believe is right. It is a battle for principles and surely a very interesting one. I have followed your entire published debate including your friends opinions.  I have learned a lot.  All I can say is to wish you a lot of good luck and that  all your dreams, desires, needs and aspirations come true.  


As you know I am a migrant myself and thought quite a few countries, continents, political and economic systems, some of them extremely hostile to Jews including the Nazis and the Soviet communism.  Jewish identity had always been is a tough subject.  As we all are well aware, we still live in an extremely imperfect and furthermore splintered world packed with contradictions.  Historically speaking, the humankind (as we know it) is still very young and unsettled. 


Recent opening of communications allow both movement and mixing of people from different backgrounds and traditions.  We Jews are part of that turmoil as any other human group or society on this planet.  Furthermore, our problem is magnified by carrying with us thousands of years long memories that are almost all in writing.  After being spread all over the planet for thousands of years we were always fully participating in the surrounding cultures by retaining some uniqueness and identity of our own.  


Recent (62 years ago) successful attempts to unite us again in one country reflected on every Jew all over the world.  Jews under a variety of flags combined with the unprecedented ability to move far from home (and our home traditions) and to live more or less anywhere in the world makes it even more complex.  One of our many inherited features is to analyze to oblivion, to compare, weigh and judge and mainly to debate again and again makes us a unique ethnic group.  Even if extremely small in numbers we were called an eternal nation since antiquity. 


During that long journey at least 90% of Jews were lost by being either murdered, absorbed, forced to convert and/or joined other cultures or religions. However, for the fifth millennium in every generation a small minority held on. Naturally, there had been no way to avoid contradictions and identity crises resulting in debates as is this one.  Peculiar situation that Judaism cannot be defined the way as any other religion, nationality, civilization, culture, tradition, tribe, ethnic group etc. etc. complicates everything even further. 


Dear Sammy, we are both in the middle of this conflict and as you have experiences yourself, there are no easy solutions and neither simple way out of the puzzles and traps this problem offers. 


I still believe that for the sake of Liron there could be relatively easy pragmatic way out by fulfilling the requirements of those, into which community you have fallen by accident of your relocation. To solve this problem in your community would be most natural and convenient and less frustrating. But all the other alternatives you have mentioned are also applicable and valid. 


In any case you have the right to pursue what you believe is right.  It is Judaism at its best.  Whatever becomes your decision I trust it will come out right. Nobody can take away from you who you are and what you are - a proud Jew. 


Happy New Year of trees Tu BiShewat on Saturday.

Dear Sammy, Aariela and children, be well, much love from both of us,


T. Spitz.




----- Original Message -----

From: Sammy Benjamin

To: M. Housman

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:10 AM



I read your un-dated article about "Who Is a Jew, According to the Torah? ".

I think you will be someone who will be open to look at my view points before I go challenge the orthodox rabbis who seem to have a control over who gets to decide in the Knesset who is jewish and who is not.

Your input will be greatly appreciated and educational.

   Samuel Benjamin.




On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:04 AM, Mordechai Housman <host@beingjewish.com> wrote:

Have you read Chapter 10 of the Book of Ezra?


All Orthodox Jews, both Sefardic and Ashkenazic, believe that being Jewish is passed down by the mother.


The belief was not created or changed during WWII. It is in the Talmud, which was written down 1,500 years ago, and was first formulated in the form we know it several thousand years ago. This is an historic fact, and can easily be proven. It's in the Talmud!


The Talmud, alongside the Jewish Bible, are the two foundation stones to Judaism. You will never get Orthodox Jews to reject them, or any part of them. YOU may choose not to recognize the Laws of Judaism as they have been always kept, but we will never change the oldest faith in the world to suit your beliefs. You are fighting a losing battle. It will never happen, not in anyone's lifetime.


Incidentally, as to who authored the Mishnah in Kiddushin: it was G-d.


 M. Housman




----- Original Message -----

From: Sammy Benjamin

To: A. Herman; A. Fishman

Cc: M. Housman ; T. Spitz ; Sammy @b-inet

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:33 PM



I am sending this to two more persons who are close to me so I can seek more channels of learning that I will never get without having spend a large amount of time like these people have in their lifetime.





---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:22 PM
To: M. Housman
Cc: T. Spitz , "Sammy @b-inet" <sammy@b-inet.com>

Let us not have a personal battle over this.

I wish to learn, and since you are much more learned than I am, please send to me the verses from the Talmud that talks exactly about the mother being the provider of the Jewish faith to her children.

BTW, do you disagree with this statement:

It is INDISPUTABLE that we are children (sons) of Avraham Isshak and Yakov. It is written ALL over in our holy scriptures.

I want to be convinced that Jews consider the FATHER to be a useless creature that has nothing to do with the Jewishness of his children and his presence or absence has nothing to do with the children growing up as true Jews. Apply this to real life situations and tell me if this sounds absurd or what?

Also look at my understanding of the scriptures given to me by another learned Rabbi.


(Important text highlighted in red) (My comments in blue)

The Mishna in Tractate Kiddushin (who is the author????) 66b states that if a child's mother is not Jewish, then the child is not Jewish.

"When the L-rd your G-d brings you to the land that you will inherit, many nations will fall away before you; the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Prizites, the Hivites and the Jebusites (it is pointing to specific tribes) ... And you shall not marry with them (pointing to these tribes) ; do not give your daughters to his sons and do not take his daughters for your sons. (indicates NO INTER MARRIAGE allowed)"  For he (the gentile father) will turn your son away from me and they will worship other gods...." (the gentile father will drive the son away from our God)

Now this is interpretation that follows ) - The Talmud points out that the verse only seems to be concerned with the son of the Israelite woman being turned away, "for he (the gentile)" will turn your son away. It does not seem to be concerned that "she (the gentile) will turn your son away." (it agrees with my comment that  that the father will decide what his son should follow - NOT the mother - mother will not turn the son away, this is never mentioned directly, just interpreted as such - even so mother has no importance in this matter, except for this interpretation) The implication is that the son of the Jewish woman and gentile man is still considered "your (the Jewish grandfather in this case ) son," (AH! it truly is the grandather/male that decides the fate of her sons religion ) but in the case of a gentile woman married to a Jewish man, the child is not considered "your son" (atrociously unacceptable biased interpretation without any factual basis) and therefore there is no concern about his turning away (a WEAK RACIST ASSUMPTION based on what this person wanted to prove based on his own PERSONAL VIEWS). This follows Rashi and Tosfot Ri Hazaken in their explanation of the Gemara. " (I disregard this interpretation as biased and lacks wisdom and deep insight)

Original text here : http://ohr.edu/ask_db/ask_main.php/202/Q1/


I include Tibor on copy who is also a learned friend who uses both the scriptures as well as common sense to help apply such rules to real life situations. He has been a patient mentor as I travel on this forbidden path of finding the truth.




--- On Wed, 1/27/10, M. Housman wrote:

Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 4:35 PM

No one has ever said that the Jewish father is useless or gives nothing to the raising of his children. The father is a model and a teacher for the children. At the very least.


You have already been given the Talmudic quotes you ask for. They were at the bottom of the e-mail you sent me. You responded to it, and I responded to your comment on it.


M. Housman




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:24 PM
To: M. Housman
Cc: A. Herman, A. Fishman , T. Spitz

Dear Mordechai Housman,
Anything I say in here is not targeted against you personally but might show strong passion in what I believe. So please bear with me and understand why I am doing it.

Sorry for my misunderstanding that there was something more in the scriptures that I have not learned about and hence my  question to seek more specific information about ANY MENTION of the facts that the mother is the passer of the Jewish faith to her children.

You said : Have you read Chapter 10 of the Book of Ezra?
No I haven't and hence depend on learned people such as rabbis and friends  I know to educate me in this matters. But I try to understand the information given to me myself and try to get the real meaning of what has been written and what it really meant for us  to do.

You said : You have already been given the Talmudic quotes you ask for. They were at the bottom of the e-mail you sent me. You responded to it, and I responded to your comment on it.

You did not dispute any of my comments which try to explain that this Talmudic verse does not suggest in any way definitively that the father is NOT the provider of the faith to his children. I explain and infer from it that the FATHER or rather THE MALE is the provider of the Jewish faith to his children. Even when it references the mother it really references the GRANDFATHER (i.e. her father) and hence the provider of the Jewish roots to her children. Just because the mother is not mentioned in this verse directly cannot be taken as a liberty for somebody to put their own flawed interpretation into it as if GOD himself willed for the mother to be the provider of the faith to her children and not the farther. Please go back to my references to the Talmudic verse to give your arguments against it if I have not understood correctly.

PROOF 1 : For he (the gentile father) will turn your son away from me and they will worship other gods
Translation : The non-jewish father will convert his children to move away from our God to worship other Gods.

PROOF 2 : The implication is that the son of the Jewish woman and gentile man is still considered "your (the Jewish grandfather in this case ) son,"

You said : YOU may choose not to recognize the Laws of Judaism as they have been always kept, but we will never change the oldest faith in the world to suit your beliefs.

Do you mean to say that the people who interpreted these laws to favor the mothers side could not have been wrong ? Do you know this is one of the most heated debate in the Jewish communities?  Would you then say you are just affiliated with the written interpretation of the law the way it has been documented by somebody else and you have resigend yourself to not look at it with any other data or even think about it with your own mind? If I ask the right questions or challenge such flawed laws, does it make me a lesser Jew ?

You are right by saying I do  not choose to recognize the wrongly interpreted laws that are racial and discriminatory and gives certain groups the advantage to look down on other true jews that live around them.

You said : No one has ever said that the Jewish father is useless or gives nothing to the raising of his children. The father is a model and a teacher for the children. At the very least.
Allow me to explain why the Jewish father is deemed useless by this law. As per your belief of the interpretation of the Talmudic law, the Jewish mother could be fathered by a Christian or a Hindu or even a Muslim or have two husbands or no husband at all or not even know who the father of the child is. Your Talmudic interpreted law that was preached to all Jews of the world will respect this offspring as a fully Jewish child irregardless whether the father was present in that child's life or if it was even known who his father was. Do I understand your version of the interpretation correctly ?

If I do, then what is the need for a Jewish FATHER if the mother is everything needed to raise a perfect Jewish child. The farther is OPTIONAL as per your interpreted law.

I am not fighting for my own Jewish rights, but for ALL JEWS who are discriminated because they did not come from "white supreme" European Jewish origins. They seem to have taken control over the Knesset to determine who is considered Jewish and who is not. Also they will use this flawed version of the interpreted Talmudic justification to bar people who truly deserve to be accepted as Jews.

In my case I just want to get the barmitzva of my son to be done at an orthodox synagogue and I cannot handle rejection and humiliation in any graceful way without digging deep enough to find what the truth is to have to deal with such treatment from my fellow Jews of other origins.

So the question to be answered, are the orthodox Jews willing to accept ALL Jews from ALL origins as equals because of what we are and follow the same God, traditions and laws with some variations and live our lives like true Jews?

Or are these orthodox Rabbis merely going to seek out those who were born to Jewish mothers, but many break every law of Judaism and even eat pork, then they get honored by these orthodox Rabbis to read the Torah in the synagogue? Do you see what is wrong here ?
In my dictionary it is called DISCRIMINATION even if it is executed by their subconscious behaviors and learning of flawed interpreted versions of laws at their yeshivas.

That does not mean all is lost. We just fix what is broken and be friends again. Isn't this all about being Jewish anyway http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gif.

I know it is hard to convince people who have ingrained this rule in their hearts, so this lifetime many be too short to fix this problem, but remember if I meet you  in another world, this will be my first question to you and all those who opposed me on earth about this and called me crazy for even bringing it up, let alone causing such a big heated debate over it.

Best Regards,

COMMENTS-2 : JAN 28, 2010


I want all to know that I am not fighting this issue for my own recognition as a Jew. I know I am one and can prove it. As far as I know my family tree, they were ALL Jews both mothers and fathers. Myself Samuel, brother Daniel, sis-in-law Esther, father Solomon, mother Mozelle, dad's brothers  Jacob, Ezra, sisters Diana & Mozelle, grandfather Benjamin, grandmother Elizabeth, maternal grandfather Elijah, mat. grandmother Elizabeth, great grandfather Daniel, great grandmother Esther, mat. great grandmother Joseph, mat. great grandmother Miriam. And it goes on. Most of my ancestors are buried in the Jewish cemetery in Mumbai and others in rural areas of Maharashtra. I have my oldest son Bension (weblink) buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Kingston, NY.

It wouldn't bother me much if nobody recognized me as Jewish because I know the highest entity does , no I did not mean the Knesset, I mean the one that really matters, and I don't even know the name https://mail.google.com/mail/e/330.

Just because Charleston Heston was shown in The 10 commandments as a white man does not mean Moses was white in real life, nor was Abraham or Issac or Jacob. They lived in the middle east, so the chances are they were dark in complexion due to the desert climate which is sunny with higher temperatures in that region. The animated movie Prince of Egypt correctly showed Moses as dark complexion.

My point being the WHITE JEW is NOT THE "PURE JEW" nor should they have any superior powers over NON-WHITE JEWS to do special prayers or decide who is Jewish and who is not. I agree there needs to be a control and check on who is permitted rights based on ones Jewish claims, but this should not be skewed and racially aligned to favor white Jews from Europe over those that come from third world and isolated areas where Judaism was not the mainstream religion. In fact surviving in the most hostile and remote areas and still remaining Jewish should give them more points for being recognized as Jews.

I don't want this to be about race, but in reality it is,
and we need to STOP this from getting out of hand and become a caste system problem like it was in the Hindus where they created "Untouchables" so they could be legally deprived by their religious system. Something similar to a smaller extent is happening in Judaism today and we need to nip it in the bud. If you are doing this by choice then you know this is a sin in the eyes of God.

More interesting comments follow ....  I really appreciate those who are patiently reading this and will think about it and help fix such systemic problems that have plagued Jews for generations.

In good intention.......

H. Vichinsk wrote On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:10 AM, :


Dear Sammy,

    I too have been following your inquiry and debate on this particularly painful and frustrating topic.  It is a topic that has made a large tear in Jewish unity since the Reform movement decided to accept patrilinial decent which is your position.


    I personally don't feel learned enough to declare that holy and learned Rabbi's have been wrong or accepting unquestioningly for two thousand years the way the oral tradition has been understood.  These Rabbi's, who are from all backgrounds an cultures, subscribe to a system, as do all halachic Jews, that says that in matters of Jewish law, majority rules. 


The Talmud is full of the discussions and even the disagreements between the Rabbi's in matters of determining Jewish law. However, at some point the majority rules in one direction and that is the law.  Even the desenters, as learned as they may be, must accept the ruling as law.  This system has stood the Jewish people well through the test of time. It has also produced a very ethical and moral system which is a model for the world.


    This does not mean that every orthodox Rabbi is a saint or even a wise person.  It just means that he follows a system to the best of his abilities.  There are also mystical implications involved in this particular aspect of Jewish tradition which are not discussed in the traditional books, but more so in the Kabbalistic and Chassidic texts. 


I don't know the answers,  but it seems to me that each individual cannot decide for himself matters of Jewish law.  This would not lead to a lasting and cohesive religion which could be passed on to future generations.


    I know that this has been a painful and frustrating issue for you and my take on it may not be a comfort, but I hope it brings you some measure of peace. 



All the best to Ariella and the children,

  H. Vichinsky

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: Comments2: CONCLUSION & YOUR FINAL SAY - Re: WHO IS A JEW ?
To: H. Vichinsk

Dear Howard,
I am preparing your message to share with our community, But before that I wanted to write to you.

I am proud that you have voiced your opinion and I respect it.  Of course it does nothing for my cause but still is a very valid opinion. This is how the minds of most Jews are shaped who do not have any problems with the way this law is interpreted and written.

You too do not dispute any of my comments which try to explain that the Talmudic verse does not suggest in any way definitively that the father is NOT the provider of the faith to his children. Hence I infer you are affiliated, like my other learned friends,  with the written interpretation of the law the way it has been documented by somebody else and followed blindly for thousands of years. I urge you to not resign yourself to it and look at it with data I am offering and think about it with your own mind.

The survival of Judaism is not because of the laws themselves but by the resolve within the Jewish people to be stubbornly rigid and not give up their faith in the God we do not know but strongly believe in. America is the one place on earth that I have seen most of these laws broken by devout Jews on frivolous reasons as if they are all optional. That too when there are all kinds of conveniences, like Coke and Cakes which are Kosher for Passover, yet the Jews will not follow their traditions as personal pleasure and independence is more important to them that being Jewish is.

You have to try and be Jewish in lands far away where there is no Rabbi or Torah. Indians Jews live like this for many years and were later identified for the specific Jewish traditions that they followed and passed on from generation to generation.  I went to a public school where there was only one other Jew I knew in the entire school. He was my brother. I was surrounded by Hindus and Muslims and Christians and knew nothing about which religion was right or wrong while I was growing up. But I knew one thing my FATHER taught me and I saw him doing this with his utmost devotion. He was proud of being Jewish and taught us how to live Jews and never to be ashamed of being what we are despite the minority class that we fell into. Of course my mother was also a strong support of our Jewishness but my FATHER was always the anchor.

I have managed to instill the same pride and understanding in my kids that being different is actually special or like being a rare metal or diamond. Just because there are a lot of people around us that believe in something else does not mean they are right and we are wrong.  I am sure others have similar stories which helped them remain Jewish.

If being Jewish is about being stubborn and holding on to your beliefs then America is the fastest assimilating generation of Jews I have seen in the world. Here there are a majority of Jews who are Jewish for name sake, even ashamed to admit they are Jewish, they try to fit in the standard mould of others around them and get pressurized to eat meat/pork at mcdonalds/burger king and put christmas trees in their homes.

I am sure these Jews are honored as true ones born to their Jewish mothers but never even show an ounce of proof of being Jewish. What a farce we have going on in the USA and this I consider this as a great insult to the Torah when such persons are called to read it over other much deserving people who take the pain and understand very well what it is to be a Jew.

I urge of you to go back to the actual Talmudic verse that has been used to make this determination and read my and other explanations and think deep in your mind what do you think it was trying to tell us. Is the FATHER really not required/necessary for the children to be Jewish. This statement just by itself makes me reject the flawed interpretation that MOTHER is the sole giver of the child's Jewish faith.

Also think about the point that I give for my determination that the FATHER is the REAL giver of the child's faith. However I am accepting the BOTH MOTHER & FATHER should decide the faith of their child, but it is depends on the child at adulthood to prove that he/she wishes to be Jewish. Otherwise what is the whole point of being Jewish by force and not respecting it at all.

If you do not believe that MAN has the DOMINANT role in a family and holds the major part in deciding his children's faith, then all I am saying is not going to make sense. That being said, the WOMAN also has an IMPORTANT role in the child's life to raise him, nurture and comfort him. She can also be he giver of Jewish education/faith to them.

I will reveal  two aspect more that are connected to this matter in the near future :
1. Real examples of children born to families where the father was non-Jewish and the mother is Jewish and how these boys have been raised in their father's faith as it is the natural dominant role of the MALE in the family.

2. How Rabbis in the USA are being produced in "factories" with book knowledge but little practical thinking skills. Not really their fault but the consequence of an automated system in place to produce them in mass numbers. I will reveal to you the many teaching of Rabbis that mean well but they completely miss the point in educating the Jews to help them follow their true traditions.

You know I mean well and I have an open mind, so I will learn if somebody can convince me why I am wrong in what I have proven so far.

True Regards,



COMMENTS-3 : JAN 28, 2010


Video on Jews of Bombay follows - Thanks to David Birwadkar of Mumbai, India for forwarding the link that made it possible to create this presentation :



Shula A., NY wrote on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 4:47 PM :

Dear Sami ,

 You are a wonderful Jew from India and you are just as pure as any other Jew from any other place in the world. Based on my knowledge, I may say that Abraham was very dark and so was Jacob, his sons and many other Jew for hundreds of years..(until the destruction of the second temple).So we must remember that our ancestors were  dark and we don't look down on any light skin Jew.  I tend to believe that the one who makes these kind of statements is the one who is misinformed and was schooled by non informed isolated educators and society.


Best and Shabbat Shalom ,



Dear Shula,

 Thank you for your kind words.

You said : .  So we must remember that our ancestors were dark and we don't look down on any light skin Jew.  I tend to believe that the one who makes these kind of statements is the one who is misinformed and was schooled by non informed isolated educators and society.

Sammy wrote: Not sure I understand what you meant, but I will answer it both ways.

I agree if you are saying that neither the dark skinned Jews nor the white skinned Jews should look down on each other or take upon a role of superiority by start judging others by their own personal standards, customs and regional traditions.

If you say I am misinformed by indicating that there is discrimination between the white and ethnic Jews then I will ask : Why am I never given the Aliyah in the orthodox synagogue for the last 5-8 years, nor my children are called to participate in the services? Why is the African black Jew asked to start the fan on Yom Kippur day because somebody forgot to do so ahead of time? Why do Russian Jews have an easier time to immigrate to Israel while Indian Jews have historically had to produce documents over documents to prove their Jewishness?

Shula I know you only mean well, so I am happy that you gave your opinion in this matter.


Mordechai Housman wrote on Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:36 PM :

YoIYou do NOT have an open mind.

-         M. Housman


Sammy wrote:

Sorry if I portray that I do not have an open mind. I am very candid with my comments and this might shut off people from responding favorably. I wish for you to take anything I said and tell me why I am wrong in my understanding and if you can do so with supporting data, then I will be willing to learn from your wisdom.

But both your messages did not address the real issues but were only judgmental statements, hence I cannot rationally get to know why you strongly believe that anything I say is wrong. I wish I could talk with you more on a friendlier level so we can maybe find a solution to this age old dispute about the FATHER or the MOTHER or BOTH being the passer of Jewish faith to their children.

PEACE & SHALOM https://mail.google.com/mail/e/330.

-         Sammy






COMMENTS-4 : JAN 29, 2010



Daniel B. from Israel wrote Friday, January 29, 2010 8:26 AM :


Abraham originated from today's Iraqi area, those people are not dark but have whitish complex, most Indian Jews are whitish complex on slightly darker side. This change must be because of harsh sun in Konkan area of India where our ancestors settled for about 2000 years, where they were oil-pressures and farmers, most were doing laborers jobs in sun, so complexion changed a bit.

 I am not a scientist or expert on subject but just a commonsense imagination.

 Daniel B., Israel



Mordechai Housman  wrote on Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:57 PM :

 Please stop e-mailing me.

M. Housman.


Dear Daniel,

Thank you for your comment. I agree and it makes perfect sense based on the region where our Jewish forefathers came from. As long as we agree that we had the same forefathersJ.

 Dear Mordechai,

You seem to have shut yourself out and those who ignore problems don’t solve them. Because problems don’t go away they just fester in the background and then become bigger issues to manage while we ignore them and pretend or hope that they will go away or die a natural death.

So we have to bite the bullet,so to speak, and try to find a solution to this problem, which you do not seem to have, but are indirectly part of as being one kind of Jew that makes us related. Let us not be like the ostrich, who digs a hole in the ground quickly in the face of the greatest danger and put his head into it to pretend that the problem is not there or will go away by itself. Sorry to say this leaves the ostrich at the fate of the danger which at times has big time negative consequences.

 This is my last email to you Mordechai, as you have asked me not to contact you. Be well.


Here is something funny that Joel Malkar (from Israel) shared with me. I am sharing it here because it demonstrates how I am being treated while I pitch this very critical issue and I hope I get the same results like this creature got. I believe in miracles but don’t wait for them to happen .

Some of you may have heard this story before... but have you heard the updated version? Be sure to read to the end to see what really happened. It has a moral for what we are discussing.

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.


Finally , he decided the animal was old, and the  well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbor's to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the
donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his
back, the donkey was doing something amazing..He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbor's continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it
off and take a step up..

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and
happily trotted off!

*** MORE ***

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well
is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. 

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.

Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.

Live simply and appreciate what you have.

Give more.

Expect less

NOW REAL STUFF ......... 

Enough of that crap
The donkey later came back, 
and bit the farmer who had tried to bury him. 
The gash from the bite got infected and
the farmer eventually died in agony from septic shock.



When you do something wrong, and try to cover
your ass, it always comes back to bite you.


Reflect on these items about WHO IS A JEW this Shabbath.





Saturday, January 30, 2010 8:01 PM


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I reflected back on all the information and the comments send in by many Jewish souls. I know I have not heard from those who are afraid of commenting or want nothing to do with this issue because it does not affect them. But I don't fell bad, because I feel I have provide an open forum to share your thoughts and allow you to refute any of the points or provide additional information that could prove me wrong.

Despite of all that is said and done we need to go back to the source which the orthodox rabbis used to interpret the rule of motherly Jewish descent.

"When the L-rd your G-d brings you to the land that you will inherit, many nations will fall away before you; the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Prizites, the Hivites and the Jebusites... And you shall not marry with them; do not give your daughters to his sons and do not take his daughters for your sons. For he will turn your son away from me and they will worship other gods...."

he* will turn your son away from me and they will worship other gods...."

*he - The NON-JEWISH FATHER will drive his son away from the Jewish god to worship other gods.

It is important to note that it NEVER mentions the role of a mothe,. neither in a negative way, nor in a positive way. So it is absolutely irrelevant and wrong that ANYBODY equate this law to CREATE A maternal Jewish descent law that breaks the REAL GOD's COVENANT that the FATHER IS THE GIVER OF THE CHILDS FAITH. The above verse clearly does not want the father to be non-jewish.

This is relevant from my real life experiences around me in India and USA.  I want the ORIGINAL RULE to be REINSTATED. GOD ALWAYS wanted us to be children of Avraham, Issakh and Yakov. Nobody should change it with INTERPRETATION of a verse WHICH DOES NOT EVEN MENTION THE MOTHER.

Per orthodox rules, the reason why the father/male is the passer of the Jewish faith is important to them to understand their traditions such as why the male is the one who reads the Torah and the male is the one who becomes the rabbi.

So it is advocated today to compensate for the misinterpreted laws :
" Do we ignore the father completely? Certainly not. The father is the one who determines what tribe the child is from. That is: Kohen, Levi, Yisrael. Also, in determining royalty and other leadership roles among the Jewish people we go from father to son. "

So I am being told by the interpretors to believe in the caste system as per the INTERPRETED LAWS of Judaism. I learned and believe that a person needs to demonstrate his worth to the world/congregation before we accept him/her as a worthy inheritor of his father's/mother's heritage, not just becasue he was merely born to him/her. Such a caste system has spread serious discrimination and exploitation in the Hindus. The Jews seem to be accepting the same values by awarding Jewish right by motherly birth for FREE or kohanim priestly honor irregardless of these persons deserv it or not.

WE ARE ALL PEOPLE OF THE SAME GOD,  AND ANY ONE TYPE OF BLOOD IS NOT MUCH DIFFERENT FROM ANOTHER PERSON. So please let nobody INTERPRET the rules to spread the wrong message. Let us not become like the christians who follow the heircharcy sytem which leads them to the pope (who wears a yamaka but tells others they dont have to do it). IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW THAT A JEW HAS A DIRECT CONNECTION WITH GOD AND DOES NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH ANY MIDDLE MAN TO GET THEIR MESSAGE TO GOD.

I have nothing more to say in this matter as I feel I have gone overboard in trying my best to expose this matter and provide facts, but nobody want to fix this problem at this time.

This does not mean I am giving up. I will live like the donkey in our story and wait for the right time and right people who are willing to accept the TRUTH. It will take an entire new generation to think differently and have a desire to do the right thing and make this right decision.



See no evil                  Hear no evil                   Speak no evil





In Peace & Pursuit of Truth,


COMMENTS-5 : JAN 31, 2010


It is encouraging to hear from people who really care about this problem. This is just one of many discriminatory rules that we deal with in our Jewish world. I have given my side of the equation and found that the other side of the equation is unbalanced while our most learned ones stay silent and allow such injustices to happen in from of their own eyes. Or like one such learned person did, shut themself off from the problem because they has been trained to close his mind and accept the flawed laws of Judaism and forsake what God really indented of us to follow.

I will present some critical important feedback along with my inference. Feedback from JK and Shula are REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES that CANNOT BE IGNORED.




Sunday, January 31, 2010 9:25 AM

From:  "Sammy Benjamin" <sammybenjamin@yahoo.com>

To:  JK, Israel

Cc:  Daniel B. , Israel


Thank you for forwarding this. It is a CRITICAL piece of real life feedback we need to support our cause.

Halleluyah .. where were you all this time I was busting my chops and fighting this battle alone - I was missing you. I need more of this support so we can create a petition and spread the awareness of such atrocities that are committed against the Indian and other ethnic Jews.

We need to find a contact in Israel who can support us to file an amendment to the Knesset that changes such flawed laws like sole maternal recognition.

Humans are mostly cowards and selfish and both these qualify to describe the silence in the Jewish community to raise their voice about such injustice or to correct the flawed laws of ASSUMED/INTERPRETED Judaism.

I will refer to you as JK to protect your identity when I send your comments to our Jewish friends worldwide.


--- On Sun, 1/31/10, daniel bamnolkar <danielreuben311@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Daniel B.
To: JK
Cc: "Sammy Benjamin" <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 3:37 AM

Thank you dear for long awaited word from you.


I am forwarding this to my friend who started the arguments. Hope this will finally reach some conclusions by presenting it to the right authorities.





From: JK, Israel
Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 1:14 AM

Hi Daniel

I've read the above including all the remarks. I have to tell you what I know why the rabbi's decided in past that a person’s religion in Judaism is decided by his mother. I was told by one of the guides during our field trips in the Judea and Samarian valley that many women were raped in the past and resulted in many unwanted children. Nobody knew who their father was therefore to protect the women and the child they passed this rule.

But many have taken undue advantage or mutilated to please their own desires. In India if a woman has a child out of wed lock u know how people look down upon the family. Here in Israel there is no such problem, I have a woman in my office whose grandmother, so she says, was a polish Jew who ran away into the woods and lived with the partisans and impregnated by a Russian soldier (never said she was raped), a girl child was born whom she brought to Israel after the Nazi rule came down, they have no knowledge who their grandfather is.

So you see they use the ruling of the rabbinate to please their own desires and twist the law. And many half Jews who are good people God fearing pray and try to keep all the commandments are treated with bias their mother or maternal grandmother is not jew. This partiality is amazing.

Also many Russians, I have 2 living in my building. Enter their homes in December you can see the christmas tree in there. What does it say? Did we Indian Jews ever celebrate christmas or ganapati in our homes? So u see just because they are white Jews they are accepted and we have to go thru numerous interrogations and provide proofs of us being Jews only because we have dark skin and come from India.

Daniel leave that alone even between themselves the charedi's from Bnei Brak Yerushalayim have taken such care that the Sephardic and Ashkenazi girls don’t study in the same class furthermore in some cities like Petach tikva their entrance to schools are separated so that by mistake no friendship develops between them.

It’s amazing how we talk about equality in Jewish religion but we ourselves discriminate between dark and white colour skin.

You know how easy it is for Russian to convert compared to dark skinned people? I've heard many times even seen interviews on TV. Two women mothers of my kids friends I know personally, 1 from Chile and 1 from Argentina tried to get converted for a  3 years did everything they asked for but always failed, in the end both left the country and went back with their families where their children as accepted as Jews and not discriminated as a goy.

So what does this say about us as Jews? People who truly want to accept the religion, the rabbinate makes their lives hell and Jews I know who are Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, at my work, I've heard they cook at home and seen them eating Pork chops in front of me and tell us what non kosher stuff they ate in different countries and in different restaurants in Israel and how delicious it was.

Disgusting but I keep quiet.


JK, Israel.

Dear JK,



Sammy Benjamin writes :

This is sending chillingly shivers across my spine to realize if there is a culturally acceptable trait that the Europeans have used to separate themselves from others ethnic groups.

The Germans had this kind of thinking. They thought that purity of blood and a certain type of Aryan descent of DNA is what differentiated between superior humans who deserved to live versus those who did not carry these traits who were inferior humans that deserved to be destroyed. They used this thinking and spread this via false propaganda to make the majority of the German population believe that this was the normal way of thinking, and brain washed the people into thinking that their ASSUMED/INTERPRETED AGENDA was the right one to follow and accept it as UNIVERSAL LAW.

When the Germans started their assault on the Jews during WWII based on their accepted superiority laws, it was easier for the Jewish neighbors to see their fellow Jews to be dragged into the streets and separated from their family and homes while everybody else watched from their drawn curtains and counted their blessings that their own family was safe at that time.

Little did they know they were just waiting in line to be served the same treatment? I know it is really painful for those who endured this unfair treatment; hence I will stop here about what happened due to this attitude of the European Jews.

Today, I feel the same way, being dragged into the streets by supremacist Jews and having to prove with certificates over certificates why my son deserves to get his barmitzva done in the orthodox synagogue where I went for 9 years. And all my fellow Jews are watching from behind their curtains, because this is not their problem and will probably never affect them in this life time. You know that your fate can change any time (*check story about lion and the mouse – attached at end).

I don’t want any sympathy;

I want your support;

if you believe that it is the right of every observant Jew

to be recognized as Jewish.

See the spine chilling similarities that I find in supremacist humans?







O GOD, I hope I am wrong and it feels like too many “name sake” Jews have infiltrated into the camps of Israel to control over those who can be easily brain washed or bought over with bribery.

People like myself who seek the truth and fight back to get our true and deserving rights are usually eliminated, insulted, humiliated and ignored.

-       Sammy Benjamin


Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:55 AM

From: "Ilan Bloch


Hi Sammy

If one is going to reject matrilineal descent as simply a rabbinic invention, then s/he must also reject heter mechirah (for chametz on Pesach or for allowing the Land to be worked during the sabbatical year), heter iskah (allowing Jews to be involved in business dealings involving interest payments), the concept of an artificial eruv, and so on.

S/he would also then be allowed to eat chicken/turkey, together with milk, and would not need to say brachot before eating. One who works along this logic should take it to the nth degree. Again, I am not saying that it is wrong to raise the question; Halachic authorities should certainly re-examine the issue, but one must be careful about throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Of course, any Jew who discriminates against another Jew (or non-Jew) based on the colour of his skin should be severely condemned.

Kol tuv


Sammy Benjamin wrote :

Dear Ilan,

Your comments are good from a neutral point of view and are valid to maintain our Jewish traditions. I agree with you that ALL laws cannot be discounted as invalid just because they are either incorrect or flawed interpretations. But all those laws that fit this category and cause injustice and discrimination among the Jewish communities need to be addressed seriously and correctly ASAP so we can be fair to our people and allow for God’s commandments to be followed as they were intended to be followed.

As you say in your conclusion, NOBODY has the right to discriminate and be allowed to become SUPERIOR as one class of Jews with special privileges over another. The maternal Jewish descent allows some to gain that right to be accepted as Jews without any good faith or demonstrating that they are Jewish over others who spend their life being Jewish and are thrown into a maze of paperwork justifications to prove their Jewishnesss.


How fair is this in the eyes of God and who are they trying to cheat. No matter what happens, these “superior” Jews will have to face God one day and explain why they did so to the less fortunate Jews who are serving him equally.




Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:15 AM

From : "Shula Aizer"


Dear Sami ,


I am heartbroken to hear how you and your family have been treated for the last years. I have no words to say how awful it is. Did you ask why and what was the answer? Are you a member in that Shoul and where did Sifron have his Bar Mitzvah ? What a bigotry !


How it can be explained that one orthodox shul in Kingston N.Y. that follows the Hallacha, is different than a Shul n N.C. I remember your first call to our Shul before High Holiday asking if you may Join the services. I was the one who answered your call and invited you to join, telling you that all the Jews are members of our Shul , even if they were not members yet.


And sure, you came and brought in your beautiful bright Aariella and we loved you both. I agree with you hundred present that the Jews from India, Yemen and Ethiopia are not treated half as good as Russsian Olim in Israel . Me and Eli are from Iraq and Eli's late father had dark skin. He was mistreated once in Israeli  Rabbanut and all his family is remembering that  till today with deep sadness.


What I meant in my email was that I think that originally all the Jews had dark skin. Those who were taken by force to Europe or moved to live in cold countries  through out the years, developed over the years their fair skin. So, actually, we are the authentic Jews and we don't discriminate any other Jews who have light skin.


Over the years in the U.S. we heard some comments about the Iraqi Jews and their level of following the laws of Pesach. Eli is still being hurt by these comments.


I think that if want to make a change we must get together in a movement and raise our voices to the Knesset and to the public in Israel and the U.S.


Have you spoken to Chabbad Rabbis ? What to they say ?

Best ,



Sammy Benjamin replied :

 I have been fortunate to be welcome in any shul in America I went to. I am especially proud to say the Kingston shul who “adopted” and accepted me unconditionally and my wife when she arrived after 6 months. I have special love in my heard for familes who opened their homes so my family could feel more Jewish like the Fishman, Weltin, Rosenblum, Spitz, Aizer, Heller, Milliman, Leftkovitz, Vischinski, Rabbi Fish, Rabbi Novosiolski,  and many more.


My first son’s brit was conducted at synagogue Augadas Achim and I was told they were so happy and honored to have this celebration in their shul. But I have to admit that the question of my Jewish roots did come up at this time and the rabbi at that time was diplomatic enough to bridge the gap between my needs and the needs of the orthodox rabbinate to keep all parties happy to get the needed rituals done in the shul and in a timely manner. I used to be apologetic because Sifron would cry during services but I was always told that all members were happy to hear the voice a young Jewish child in the shul which was a great mitzvah for them.


I will always miss Augadas Achim and wish it the best and remain thankful to all the people who have been my well wishers and do everything to support the shul’s activities to keep Judaism ALIVE in Kingston despite all the hardships that are presented to the shul.


I was welcome in my shul in NC at both orthodox shuls, and hence I am trying to protect them as they are not the KEY REASONS for this PROBLEM. They are merely MISGUIDED and BRAIN WASHED as any other Jews and I think they are allowed to make mistakes as any other human being does. Of course I am not happy that one person can make a difference in keeping the door closed for Liron to get a barmitzva service because he believes in the discriminatory ways of Judaism even though he may be doing so in a subconscious manner.


He truly must believe he is doing this for a good cause to protect Judaism from non-true jews based on what he learned in his yeshiva. I think real life experiences teaches us much more than anybody can learn in a classroom, even though theory is good to have but not the sole measure of wisdom. The classroom can give you a lot of theory but it does not give you a good way to apply it to real life situations to deploy knowledge learned in the classroom.


To compensate for the lack of skills to make the right determination, they have made these static interpreted laws, based on “one glove fits all” strategy,  that are deemed as the final ruling when they need to decide in any given matter. This stops them for using their own mind and reasoning to apply any adjustment to make a fair decision. SAD state of affairs we are forced to live with today.


I forgive my rabbi if he is wrong in his decision,

and I ask for forgiveness if I have wronged him in

any manner for asking for my rights to be recognized

as a Jew in my/his shul to do the barmitzva of my son.


I did not confront my shul until now because I wanted to “fit in” and not make a big deal out of the issue of discrimination against my family. I did not deal with this problem with Sifron’s barmitzva because I went to India to join my family to do it.


The Chabad Rabbi is telling me they cannot use their own judgment in matter of who is Jewish but blindly follow the orders of the orthodox authority in NY city who demands only those documents which they deems as qualifying that will satisfy their rules of recognizing a Jew. After trying to comply with all the documents that I have, they are deemed as not sufficient to them. So here is what I am forced to decide.

 I formally boycott the recognition of any such authority who has discriminated against true Jews since the creation of Israel and I have decided to find a solution to my problem someplace else. More IMPORTANT for me to do from this experience is to find a solution to this problem of recognition of Jews who get discriminated and cannot do anything about it.





– Samuel Benjamin.


* Reference story from above comment.

(PS: Thanks to the snow storm which dumped snow and ice on our streets, I was glued to my computer all day, skipped lunch and worked on this portion of the discussion. )



From: Zalman Teitelbaum

Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 10:52 AM



Dear Sammy, I don't remember you clearly but we may have met a the Synagogue in Kingston. (I may remember you by face).


I recently began receiving emails from you, most of which were positive and interesting. I don't have time to read much, but one email which you sent recently disturbed me. It was an email regarding the matralinical Jewish descent. the gist of the email is irrelevant but there was one glaring err which I hope was only that. From that err there were other incorrect and irreverent conclusions but I don't thing that those would have resulted other than for this err.


In your email you refer to the conclusions of the rabbis trough the ages as "interpretation". In fact, (as we learn in this week's parsha) the torah, and its explanation was not interpreted, it was "transmitted". Yes, many conclusions are 'interpreted' to their final outcome but even those interpretations are only done in instances where the "transmission" allows and in fact, calls for it.


In conclusion, the Torah, including its explanation and practical application was given to Moses by G-d on Mount Saini. If you are unsure how of any part of the Torah or its explanation was derived directly from G-d to us feel free to ask your local rabbi (one who lives by the guidelines pertaining to the proper transmission of G-d's word, as He directed, namely, an Orthodox rabbi). You are also welcome to call or email me.


If you are uncomfortable by this, that's fine, it is within your right, but please remove me from your list.



Zalman Teitelbaum




Sammy Benjamin wrote :

Thank you for writing to me in this matter and I am sorry if I have disturbed you with my findings which I find true to the facts that I have presented. You can point to any specific item that I have listed and comment on it to explain why you think I am wrong.

I will be happy to look at any hard facts such as writing from the Torah, their interpretations or any pertinent data that will help me decide in this matter.

I urge you to discover the ORIGINAL covenant of our God, that the FATHER is the GIVER of his Jewish faith to his children, NOT THE MOTHER. No offense meant to the mothers who’s rights I respect immensely.



Yes they have asked me to STOP bugging them and not send them email anymore so they do not have to read or reply to my point blank questioning.
Sammy Benjamin.


An older conversation with my close friends and Rabbi :

Sammy Benjamin wrote on Monday, December 21, 2009 11:50 AM :


Dear S and M,
Thank you for listening to my problems in my efforts when trying to arrange for Liron's barmitizva.

It should be a great mitzva for any synagogue to have such a honor, but instead it has become a source of humiliation and poor judgment based on the how Judaism is being taught and being received by our religious leaders.

I strongly believe, after doing much background research and talking with religious people form older generation that the FATHER is the provider of the child's automatic faith NOT the mother. This RULE is from the Torah unless anybody can show to me where it is is written in the torah that the woman decides the faith of her child.

In brief I refer to scriptures all over the place that mention



Even in real life I have seen that when the mother marries outside the faith then she is psychologically forced to adopt the faith of her husband and hence the children become automatically what the father has followed. Of Course there are always exceptions. There is more to this but I do not wish to insult anybody by bringing up sensitive points that will create a caste system between the Jews.

I am copying Rabbi Aaron who I love very much and respect very highly, but I need for him to know that I am deeply affected by this racial treatment as per  orthodox philosophies. I am keeping track that neither I nor my children are are ever given an Aliyah or even the arc opening honor in my shul. I am willing to accept that I am not a regular attendee of daily services at shul but my dedication to the temple is true and I do not go to any other shul

Most services I do at home are based on what my FATHER has taught me. My children are proud to be Jewish even when they realize that all others around them outnumber us easily and their experience is that other Jewish kids they know at school are ashamed of their own identity. These other kids don't even follow the Jewish traditions, eat pork and break every tradition including having a christmas tree at their home.

However I can tell you with confidence these kids and their fathers will walk in any shul and be treated as a TRUE Jew and given the honor of the Aliyah while my children and me are deprived of the same courtesy. That deeply troubles me. The only saving lesson that Judaism taught me was that my relationship with God is DIRECT and hence if I don't get humanly respected for being a Jew then it does not matter. All that matters is that God himself will accept me and my family's prayers and protect us as we are one of his own.

After all we are human, and I do not hold a grudge against my Rabbi, as he can make ther same mistakes that any other person can make. Also the teachings that they get from ultra-orthodox schools can cause them to literally follow them as final and binding. It is far too difficult to challenge the rules that are wrong and truly disgrace the Jewish people and  their devotion to the same God that we all worship at different levels.

Dear Rabbi,
I did not mean to hurt your feelings and I love you and always fell welcome at our shul. Your selfless service to our community is priceless. But this issues has been bottled in me for far too many years that I had to find an outlet to discuss with my very close friends from Monsey NY who "adopted" me and my family when nobody knew us in Kingston NY as I was just a new comer in the USA when I went to their shul Aguadas Achim in the year 1992.

Since then they have become like a family to me, with being invited for every Shabbath at their house and we continue to stay connected even though our lives have split us apart by location due to my career requirements and their higher dedication to move into an orthodox Jewish community.

This is not the first time such an issue has come up in my life and I am not worried about how the Rabbi will rule in my case. Because I know God will find me a way to accomplish what I need to get done. He always has. In my 44 years of life I have had many opportunities to see my many strong dedicated efforts of achieving something to have become futile and I have given up on them. Then just like a miracle things just fell in my lap even after I stopped trying or was convinced that something was almost impossible to achieve.

My apology if I have said anything wrong and out of context.



Rabbi wrote on Sunday, January 10, 2010 2:13 PM

Dear Sammy,


I also appreciate that we can learn from each other. Part of really loving someone else is appreciating that G-d created us with our own minds and hearts and that we are all seeking to do the right thing as we understand it.


I know that you only have good intentions and that you are coming from a very loving and kind place in this discussion.


I am not going to defend any position, I just think it is important to understand it, whether or not we end up agreeing with it. So I will devote some time in my e-mail to this.


Concerning this supposition:

<<"On another subject, if I remember right the ruling to consider MOTHER for determining religion of her child came in 13th century when Genghis Khan troops raped every woman they were able to reach in both Asia and Europe.  >>

Since it is the Mishna that mentions the idea of Jewish descent from the mother, the idea that this started in the 13th century wouldn't work. The Mishna was written in 200 CE, about 1,000 years before Gengis Khan and was accepted by all Jews at that time who had access to it all throughout Israel, Babylonia, and Rome (it predates the Ashkenazic and Sephardic split). In the academic articles that discuss the issue, they think that matrilineal descent developed during the Roman period, but I have not seen any academic scholar say that it happened in the 13th century because we have extant copies of Mishna and Halachic writings that use Matrilineal descent way before the 13th century (for example Talmud 6th century, Saadia Gaon 10th century  Rashi, 11th century, Maimonides 12th century and all the other sages and commentaries that we have extant copies of, all write about matrilineal descent as being the Jewish standard that they adhered to.)


I understand your thinking that the Biblical text prescribes Jewishnesss after the father and that these rabbis changed from the Biblical standard. The only thing is that the Mishnaic and Talmudic sages didn't think that the Biblical text was the only source of information about what Jewish law was.


You can find an example of this here where the Torah literally says not to have a fire in your house on Shabbat and the sages understand this to mean "kindle" a fire in your house on Shabbat. The Saducees and Karaites however, did not have Shabbat candles or hot food on Shabbat, because they followed the Biblical text literally.


See here for more: http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/484251/jewish/Why-do-we-eat-Cholent-on-Shabbat.htm


You can also see it in the idea of when the Omer was supposed to be counted. The Torah literally says the day after Shabbat, and the sages says this doesn't literally mean Shabbat, it means, the first day of Passover, see here: http://www.jewfaq.org/holidayb.htm


I am not defending the Oral Tradition here, I am just explaining why there doesn't seem to be movement away from it in traditional Judaism. There are a lot of things in the Torah that when reading them would appear to be different from the way Jews have kept them for the past 1500 years, but the sages during that period of time, thought that they were getting this information from an extant Oral Tradition. And they believed that this Oral Tradition was the key to interpreting the Written Torah (even if it looked different than what the Torah literally said - they thought that this is the Oral teaching of what the Written Torah always meant.)


I understand your interpretation of the Biblical text to point to the Jewish father as the source of being Jewish. To the people who think that Oral Tradition is also from G-d, there could be 20 such interpretations from the Biblical text and it wouldn't make a difference to them, if they thought that the Oral Tradition contained different information.


They also didn't think it possible to go back and personally re-interpret Biblical texts. That is why there is no change in this issue of matrilineal descent amongst these types of Jewish communitiesEven if you could bring very strong Biblical proofs to something, they will not change the rabbinic standard, as it is found in the Mishna or Talmud, because they think that the Mishna and Talmud is the correct way to keep these Biblical passages, even if the Biblical text seems to say the exact opposite. This is not a modern approach - it is just a continuation of the way people like Saadiah Gaon, Rashi and Maimonides understood how Jewish law functions.


I am not trying to dispute in any way what you write, certainly by going back to the Biblical text, different interpretations can be generated. In explaining those who believe in matrilineal descent, these interpretations will have limited impact, because they think that matrilineal descent is the rule that G-d told Moses orally as the explanation of the Written Torah. Note again, that I am not defending this belief - I am just trying to explain what they think.


I hope this helps in some way to *explain* what is going on - not to defend it. I thank you for being willing to engage in this discussion in such a respectful and kind manner


I value you and your family so much. You are a gift to our family, to our community and to the Jewish nation.


With blessing,





TZ wrote on Monday, February 1, 2010 10:22 AM with Sammy’s reply :


Dear TZ,

Thank you for writing to me in an effort to help me understand. I appreciate your patience and willingness to hear my side of the facts. My friendly comments are in-line with your message.

From: TZ Date: Monday, February 1, 2010, 1:05 AM

Dear Sammy, my email to you was not intended to be included in the public discussion, only a few words to you since it was clear from your writing that you are very emotionally affected by this topic.


 Sammy writes : My apology for sharing your personal email with all my Jewish contacts.

Since you did post my email to your list along with your reply I will respond briefly. It is important for you as well as any of your readers to understand that to address this and any important issue properly, would require a proper discussion, preferably one-on-one with a competent rabbi. I can assure you that no Chabad Rabbi would turn down an honest inquiry.


Sammy writes : I am in touch with my Chabad Rabbi and many others who are on copy of this email and did communicate with me but have not refuted any of my facts or inferences.

In your reply you ask me to point out any err in your argument. As I wrote previously the err is in the basic foundation, namely that Judaism and it's current practice is based on interpretation. Judaism is a multi-faceted formula set out by G-d as a direct relationship between G-d and each individual human. The key element of this formula is not (as many mistakenly believe) the Book, rather an institution that G-d set up called "mesora", tradition passed parent to child and teacher to student.


 Sammy writes : I agree 99% with you but there is 1% exception that some laws are twisted and interpreted wrongly to suit certain needs and attempt to change the basic covenants that God wanted us to follow.

The motherly descent trend was one change to protect the Jews from extinction in the face of crusading conquerors and later to suit the needs to absorb the many Jewish children that were born out of wedlock (sometime by force), and I support that need, but will continue to refuse changing the basic laws of Judaism that inadvertently discriminate against others.

This institution, enacted simultaneously by hundreds of thousands of individual participants (never in history less than a million strong) is what testifies to the truth of the Book, namely the Torah, as well as it's application, the oral Torah.

In simple terms, the "Torah" doesn't "say" anything. The Torah is simply black lines on white parchment. It is the "mesorah", passed down accurately directly from G-d to Moses and eventually to us, that give meaning and insight into G-d's (NOT the rabbi's) word.

Thus the injunction against fire on Shabbat could easily read as the recipe for apple pie were it not for our teachers, in direct lineage from Moses, who first teach us the letters, than vowels, and then, just as importantly, the implication, within the text.

Yes, G-d did include many openings for interpretation. However, do not confuse these as diversions from the masoraic tradition, rather, they are a fundamental facet of our relationship to G-d and are directed by G-d with very clear guidelines delineated clearly within the masoraic tradition. For a clear outline of these guidelines as well as Bibical sources for this system, see the introduction to Ramba"m's (Maimonides') Yad Hachazaka as well as within Maimonides' laws of 'mamrim'.


 Sammy writes : I agree and respect your great wisdom.

With regards to your personal situation, although I have not read enough of your writing to grasp it or even to be clear of it's circumstance, I can only say that it seems that you have, and perhaps continue to be, hurt. I am not suggesting that you give up your quest for clarity, but rather that you focus your quest for exactly that; clarity.

Please do not confuse a ruling by Judaism via it's rabbis as being discriminatory (unless you are referring to individual rabbi's and their methods of ruling). If an individual is defined, based on G-d's formula to not be Jewish, this is in no way discrimination, rather simple, scientific, clarity.


Sammy writes : I think it is one such Rabbi who has become unsure about my family Jewishness (really 2 in my lifetime, but the previous one handled it much better than this one and provided a solution acceptable to both). But I love my Rabbi and like him very much. He is great for our small congregation and he is making a lot of sacrifices to keep out community together.

 He could be just slightly misguided by the interpreted rulings and his hands and mind are both captive of the hard and fast written interpreted laws that don’t apply literally in all cases. This makes him incapable of any thinking outside the box to provide solutions that are fair and apply them to specific scenarios that will allow for equal recognition for all Jews of all origin.


 If this sounds discouraging than let me say three things:
- see Tosafos in Talmud Baba Kama 38a "harei hu ke'kohein gadol" where tosafos indicates that the potential reward for a non-Jew is as a High priest entering the Holy of Holies (which was only done on the holiest of days, Yom Kippur)
- I cannot imagine a grater praise than to have been created, precisely as per the desire of, G-d - nor an insult grater thatn for someone to imply that I should be something other than that which I was created as.
- Last and finally, none of the above was intended in any way to minimize the pain and difficulty of what you are going through. I truly hope that these words add clarity and in the long run, help.

 Even though we are all different in our circumstances we are all similar in our basic human experience and I hope that you trust that I empathize with you in your struggles even while I cannot imagine how I would react in a similar situation.

Warmly and respectfully,


 Sammy writes : You are very calm in your writings despite my many insulting words about orthodox Jews and white supremacy. I make mistakes but wish to learn from them. I can vouch that my remarks were not intended to cause any pain to others, just to help in bringing my problem to the people, provide my learning from my research, and ask for equal recognition for ALL Jews from all origins.

I apologize to you and to everybody who I have insulted inadvertently. My statements are true to my knowledge and very heartfelt. They are clean and frank like a little child who speaks his mind and does not bar anything. This trait is what gets me in trouble all the time. I feel sometimes that God is the one who wills that I do this as I would never have the courage to so on my own accord.

Please advise if I can open this conversation to our Jewish friends because it will be learning experience not only for me but for many of our relatives worldwide.

Best Regards,

Sammy Benjamin.


On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 11:52 AM, IB wrote: (my reply included in blue)



With all due respect, the arrogance of your tone is most off-putting. And I am somebody who supports examining the issue, but remarks like "revealing the truth", make you sound like the same Orthodox Rabbis whose "truth" you find so offensive.


Sammy writes : >>>>>>>>

I am sorry my tome of confidence put you off and I need to fix that because it comes off looking like arrogance. I am encouraged by your support to examine this issue.

I gather you are an orthodox rabbi/person who I respect highly. An orthodox Jew is the anchor of Judaism and I agree 100% that they are critical for Judaism to survive. We need for them to continue learning and provide their services to their communities. However if I present a problem to them that is causing issues in the basic rights of being recognized as Jews because we are less observant and less knowledgeable then they, being the wiser ones, should come to our rescue. I ask, find me a solution that works for both of us without insulting and humiliating us.


In my case the most respected orthodox rabbis tell me their hands are tied and hence they cannot help me. The book tells them about the hard and fast rules of laws that were made like “one glove fits all” rules. Then the Rabbis tell me there is no scope for flexibility in case where due diligence is required because they are require to shut their minds OFF and not make a determination of right or wrong by themselves.



I suggested that you make contact with Rabbi Zvi Graetz of the Masorti movement who wrote a comprehensive paper on the issue of how descent in Judaism changed from patrilineal to matrilineal. I suggested that you need to consider that if you reject this rabbinical law, then you open up the possibility of rejecting every rabbinical law.


Sammy writes :>>>>>>>>>

I am happy to hear that there is agreement that the original law was changed from patrilineal to matrilineal, this is encouraging news, step 1 solved http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gif.

I found a link via google : http://www.masortiworld.org/mercaz/leaders2 and so now I have the email of Rabbi Tzvi Graetz, Executive Director of Masorti Olami : ravtzvi@masortiolami.org. He will receive the same email I send to all and a link to my web site. I will let you know when I hear from him



Instead of doing real research into the matter or responding to issues that I and others have brought up, you continue to rant like a true fundamentalist (albeit not a fundamentalist Orthodox Rabbi) that you are here to "reveal the truth".


Of course discrimination against somebody based on the colour of their skin is wrong, but you as the arch-liberal that you are seem to be unable to accept that Orthodoxy and Conservative Judaism (whether Ashkenazi or Sephardi) accept matrilineal descent. If you do not that is up to you.


Sammy Writes : >>>>>>>>>

Did I ever say everything in Judaism that is interpreted by orthodox rabbis is wrong? I did not. Because more than 90% is true and valid. Some are slightly questionable. Others are unacceptable.


Because when something is wrong, it is wrong and I have known this all the time while growing up, heard from other wise people and seen the negative effects many times when it affected others around me due to some twisted law that are just not right.


Which of your issue have I not responded to?



If you have a serious argument for accepting patrilineal descent based on Rabbinical sources (and not just your heart/feelings or only on Scriptural sources, while ignoring Rabbinical sources) I would love to hear it.


Sammy writes : >>>>>>>

I am trying to provide all the facts I have that refutes the matrilineal law of Jewish descent. I am not a Rabbi, because I did not go to a yeshiva, nor do I have a certificate, but I am proud to have learned the real meaning of the laws by myself. Hence I agree that my informational is not Rabbinical. So is it fair to say, it is your assessment that if information is not from a Rabbinical source, then there is no truth in any valid points that another Jew has raised while providing facts and reasons?


Have you seen the video from a Rabbi who studied in Israel and define “WHO IS A RABBI? “ very correctly. If you have missed this then go and see the videos attached to the “Jews of Bombay link provided as part of this discourse.


I ask the Rabbis and other orthodox people on my list to do the deeper research on information I have provided which I am not capable of doing myself because people like you will not deem it to be from a reliable source.



I have two nephews who are not Jewish according to the accepted norms, so I have every interest in having patrilineal descent accepted by Halachic authorities. But it can't happen by wishing that the unenlightened will "accept your revealed truth".



Sammy writes : >>>>>>>>>

Glad to hear that same problems exist in other’s lives as well so I feel good about working so hard on something that will be of benefit to all Jewish communities worldwide and to Israel.

I am no authority on Judaism but understand most of it well for living a Jewish life and make day to day decision based on the hallachas I have internalized. Based on this limited knowledge and limited authority I will suggest that your nephews should live their live like Jews irregardless of whether they are accepted by the orthodox rulings or not. Tell them if nobody accepts them as Jews, it does not matter, I know at least one entity that will. And that is all that matter in the big equationhttp://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/03.gif.


With respect



Sammy writes : >>>>>>>>

Wishing you well and hope we continue our research together and help find and reinstate the truth the way God originally wanted it to be.

I repeat from my previous email: ” My statements are true to my knowledge and very heartfelt. They are clean and frank like a little child who speaks his mind and does not bar anything. This trait is what gets me in trouble all the time. I feel sometimes that God is the one who wills that I do this as I would never have the courage to so on my own accord.”

With due respect to you too,





Sammy Benjamin wrote on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 4:29 PM :

To: "Rabbi Tzvi Graetz"


Dear Rabbi Tzvi Graetz,
I am writing to you because I was given your name by an associate with whom I am discussing the most heated topic in all Jewish communities;

I have grown up believing and still strongly do that the original covenant is the right one. This prolonged debate is about seeking the real reasons why the original covenant was modified and find a middle ground where either  God's original covenant  be reinstated or a better one put in its place that will remove all reasons of prejudice, discrimination and unfairness that exists in the Jewish world and in Israel when it comes to the question of recognizing of true Jews, especially those from ethnic backgrounds.

This discourse is long and may need more time for your to go through as well as provide your input. Please acknowledge that you received this email and will be interested to add your wisdom to this ongoing debate for which I wish to see a solution in this lifetime.

Please do not get annoyed at my statements which might seem strong, arrogant and directed towards European white Jews and orthodox Rabbis.  I did not wish to portray myself as such but cannot deny that I am being perceived as such.


- Sammy Benjamin.


Per suggestion from a member, I send emails to Conservative Rabbi Tzvi Graetz and Orthodox Rabbi Jonathan Sacks who may be able to shed some light into this matter. Waiting on their response.

My efforts to find contacts to the Rabbis who work for the Israeli government have not yielded any email address or postal address. Can anybody from Israel help make this contact, I will be happy to discuss with them?

http://www.mfa.gov.il/   http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/Images/mfa-logo.gif

Remember ALL feedback is important, from the general folks like me as well as from the learned wise folks on this member list.

To:"Rabbi Tzvi Graetz" <ravtzvi@masortiolami.org>
Date : Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 4:24 PM


To: info@chiefrabbi.org
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 7:18 AM

Please forward to the rabbi ...... this is an important matter to me and to all Jews to find the real covenant of God. Thank you.

Dear Rabbi Tzvi Graetz Rabbi Jonathan Sacks,

I am writing to you because I am discussing the most heated topic in all Jewish communities; WHO IS A JEW?

I have grown up believing and still strongly do that the original covenant is the right one. This prolonged debate is about seeking the real reasons why the original covenant was modified and find a middle ground where either 
God's original covenant  be reinstated or a better one put in its place that will remove all reasons of prejudice, discrimination and unfairness that exists in the Jewish world and in Israel when it comes to the question of recognizing of true Jews, especially those from ethnic backgrounds.

This discourse is long and may need more time for you to go through as well as provide your input. Please acknowledge that you received this email and will be interested to add your wisdom to this ongoing debate for which I wish to see a solution in this lifetime.

Please do not get annoyed at my statements which might seem strong, arrogant and directed towards European white Jews and orthodox Rabbis.  I did not wish to portray myself as such but cannot deny that I am being perceived as such.

Background Email send to both Rabbis.



IB wrote on Thursday, February 4, 2010 4:15 AM


Sammy - good to hear that you wrote. Just for the record - Rabbi Tzvi Graetz is a leader in the Masorti (i.e. Israeli Conservative) movement, and is most definitely NOT an Orthodox Rabbi. (For the record as well, I do not define myself as Orthodox or Conservative; I simply try to live a Halachically-practising lifestyle, according to the most small l liberal, humanistic, pluralistic ways as possible.

Shabbat shalom




Monday, January 11, 2010 2:06 AM

From: Isaac N. (after discussion with my father Judah N.)


Hi Sammy,


The word "Automatic Jewishness" may sound quite simple though it is too hard to believe and much complicated.


He does not believe in the word "Automatic Jewishness".


I asked my Dad about this and he too confirms that it is indeed the father who gives "Jewishness" to his children. At least this what the book states and his opinion too. Of course his opinion is also based on the culture present out here - India (and he is not aware of how other Jews think about this issue outside India).


I am sure he (my Dad) is taking into account all the rituals and customs are being followed by the father (marriage in Hooppah, circumcision of the male born child, barmitzvah, etc...) and same is the case with the mother.


Warm Regards,



Coming soon:


I have to prepare this conversation across several emails and hide his identity before I can add it to this page. Not to be mistaken for a response from Rabbi Tzvi Graetz or Rabbi Jonathan Sacks..


From: Zalman Teitelbaum
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 8:22 PM


Hi Sammy, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It's fine to forward this to your list if you'd like, and I wish that I had more time to keep up this correspondence and to reply in grater depth.

One short thought regarding your response to my last email. It is imperative to remember that religion is a relationship with G-d, a relationship which obviously G-d designs and dictates (as anything but would simply be another physical human endeavor). As such it is a FUNDAMENTAL belief that G-d has the ability to convey His will and to enable it's ACCURATE transmission over Milena. If we cannot be sure if our actions are per G-d's will, G-d is than helpless in facilitating a relationship between us - an intellectual impossibility, considering that our (us and G-d's) relationship is the world's only purpose.

To that end it is important to remember that a 99% truth is a 100%  lie. especially in regards to establishing G-d's will. Being that this, the rabbinic and lay transmission based on the rulings of each era's rabbis, is the method that G-d established, we must believe that even though there certainly are inherent faults in the humans involved, nevertheless, somehow the end result will ultimately reflect G-d's exact will.

- It would be easier to transport air in a punctured balloon than to transmit divine will with an imperfect system.

What I write above is based on circular logic, ie. it must be true since if it weren't true than it wouldn't be true. Obviously there are positive proofs to the above as well, I only write this now, firstly to be brief and secondly since you impress me as having a core belief that the Torah is G-d's will, forcing the remainder of the above logic.

Zalman Teitelbaum


Sammy Benjamin wrote :

Dear Rabbi,
I am honored that you are replying to my email, because most learned folks have long ago closed their doors from wanting to LEARN about the FACTS because they might be afraid it will be against what has been documented by their predecessors. I am here to learn as well as give back to the community what I have learned.

I am not as learned as you are and have much less experience that you do even in general life. Hence most of what you are saying is over my head. But I still have basic questions about the issues I have raised.

1+ Do Orthodox Rabbis agree that the original covenant of God is that the FATHER is the passer of the faith to his children ?

2+ Was this covenant CHANGED to imply that MOTHER will now be the SOLE passer of faith to the children ?

3+ Are the authoritative Rabbis or our world Jewish communities willing to accept these facts  and put in place a solution  that reinstates the original covenant of God and improves it by allowing mothers to pass on the Jewish faith to their children as well ?

Answers to these direct questions and steps to correct them will SOLVE this entire problem that breeds persecution of Jews, inequality, favoritism and the class system within the Jewish system. I hold the Rabbis responsible to take the initiative to FIX this PROBLEM as I am merely a little person who is like a barking dog or braying donkey and nobody is listening to me nor do I have any authority to do FIX it.

Can you help me contact those Rabbis who have the authority to discuss this and provide a SOLUTION ? Or forward my email to them. I am thinking about people like the chief rabbis who are connected with the Israeli government. Any help in this matter will be appreciated by the entire Jewish community.

I am only asking for what is RIGHT and if I am WRONG, tell me so with background information why what I am saying is incorrect.

Truly and with great respect,
Sammy Benjamin.


Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 22:37:05 -0500

Subject: FINAL - Who Is A Jew ?

From: sammybenjamin@gmail.com
To: alljews@b-inet.com

Time to close this discourse. We have swung both ways and I gave everybody an equal opportunity to weigh in their points. I am disappointed that the wisest of wise cannot respond to specific questions that are posed to them. Also those who have experienced the worst experience due to these flawed laws will prefer to stay silent.

I am convinced that what I have provided is based on real facts and nobody has been able to refute the facts. I am publishing this attached letter (also typed below) which will be the final conclusion of this debate. I will send it to whoever I can and mainly to the two chief rabbis at the Knesset even if I have to personally hand carry it to them.

Whoever can help with this effort can print the attached letter  and send it to your contacts who you think need to learn about this or can help make a difference. I have taken it as far as I could by God's support. I leave it to those who will take it forward and serve justice as it should be no matter how ling it takes to restore his original covenants.

FAREWELL and thank you to all those who pitched in and also to those who patiently read these emails.

Shalom !  Letter follows.




Samuel Benjamin


Dear Concerned Jew,

It has been a roller coaster ride to try and convince people about the subject matter and people seem to be more defiant to hold on to written documentation that to look at the facts to make a decision that will be correct. I am convinced and sincerely believe that there is truth in what I have presented. Because it explains why every orthodox Rabbi or learned wise person chose to either shut their doors or had no response to my direct questions that I present below. I now know how it must have been when the first man suggested the earth was round and he was ridiculed and humiliated by all those who were trained to believe that the earth was flat.

Here is that email which I wish you explore and respond to me either by email (for faster response) or in writing. Any responses will be better than none and I will appreciate your time and effort to set this matter right.

1+ Do Orthodox Rabbis agree that the original covenant of God is that the FATHER is the passer of the faith to his children?

2+ Was this covenant CHANGED to imply that MOTHER will now be the SOLE passer of faith to the children?

3+ Are the authoritative Rabbis or our world Jewish communities willing to accept these facts  and put in place a solution  that reinstates the original covenant of God and improves it by allowing mothers to pass on the Jewish faith to their children as well ?

Answers to these direct questions and steps to correct them will SOLVE this entire problem that breeds persecution of Jews, inequality, favoritism and the class system within the Jewish system. I hold the Rabbis responsible to take the initiative to FIX this PROBLEM as I am merely a little person and nobody is listening to me nor do I have any authority to do FIX it.




Your insight to FIX this problem will be greatly appreciated by ALL Jews of the world.

Addendum: Just reply to this one question if you cannot send a reply to any of the above questions.

4+ Why will NO orthodox rabbi or learned person reply to these 3 basic questions? If you are not qualified enough, just send in your own opinion in this matter.

Best Regards,

Samuel Benjamin.

From: Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
Subject: Changes made to Wikipedia - Who is a Jew
To: "AllIndianJews" <AllIndianJews@b-inet.com>
Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010, 8:11 AM

This AllIndianJewish list is limited as it is difficult to recognize who has a lineage with Indian Judaism just by looking at names/email-addresses these days. So please forward to your family and friends as appropriate.

I am largely disappointed by the no-response by the people from Indian Jewish background (with the exception of a few), specially from those who have gone through hard times due to such disparaged orthodox rules that discriminate against us and/or have a lot more knowledge than I have in this matter. I did have a very old document give to me by my father which was gotten from the son of Issaha Shapurkar who lived in Umberkhadi area, Bombay which talked about the fatherly right of providing Jewishness to his children as per the TRUE/REAL covenant of our God. I have always believed in this and have experienced this in resl life as well.

Nonetheless the no-response did not stop me from spearheading this effort but I will continue to look forward to hear from you folks just to get your opinion or your expert knowledge. Without your input I feel sometimes that you folks must not agree to my reasoning and that I am justifying this just for my own personal needs/ego .

I am making changes to official documents that seem to portray only one side of the story about "Who Is A Jew" in Wikipedia. I am presenting to you in case anybody refutes my changes or the points in that document.

Also copying Tibor Spitz as my neutral reality checker to make sure I am not violating any cultiral bridges in my effort to do the right thing .

Shalom ! Please reply.

Modified Sections posted below and changes are in BLUE :


Bene Israel
See also: Bene Israel

The Bene Israel in India are descended from Jews who escaped persecution in Galilee in the 2nd century B.C.E. The Bene Israel resemble the Maratha people in appearance and have adopted customs that are local but yet adhere to the original Jewish halakha, which indicates some intermarriage between Jews and Indians like what is happening in larger countries such as USA and European countries as well. The Bene Israel, were at one time a forgotten group of people, however they maintained the practices of Jewish dietary laws, circumcision and observation of Sabbath as a day of rest.

In 1964 the Israeli Rabbinate declared that the Bene Israel are "full Jews in every respect."

The Bene Israel claimed a lineage to the Kohanim, the Israelite priestly class, which claims descent from Aaron, the brother of Moses. In 2002, a DNA test confirmed that the Bene Israel share the same heredity as the Kohanim.[74][75]  

(PS-  Sammy says : I myself did not know his and should claim my kohanim privileges at shul)


Who is a Jew?

According to halakha, as prescribed the ultra orthodox Jews, the oldest normative definition used by Jews for self-identification, a person is matrilineally a Jew by birth, or becomes one through conversion to Judaism. Adherence to this definition has been challenged since the emergence of the Karaite sect, emergence of modern groups in Judaism since the 19th century, and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Issues that have been raised reflect:

  • Child's non-Jewish mother: i.e. whether a child born of a non-Jewish mother should be considered Jewish through the father's Jewish identity.
  • It is IMPORTANT to note that the ORIGINAL COVENANT OF GOD given to the Jewish people was that they were the sons of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. This verse has been repeated in the Torah and their holy scriptures over and over again. It is the belief of staunch Jews who go back to the original covenants of God, rather than that interpreted by orthodox Jews in later years, that the father is true passer of his Jewish faith to his children.
  • This lines up with the dominant role of the male in Judaism. It is believed that this covenant was changed to accommodate the absorption/acceptance of many Jews who were born to Jewish women out of wedlock to Jewish males mostly by force. In old times the warring clans would try to destroy the male population of another clan and take over their women to completely destroy them. The change by orthodox Jews to allow the mother to pass on automatic Jewishness to her children was made to break this cycle of annihilation. For more details and debate in this mater read the web page by Samuel Benjamin in this matter(http://b-inet.com/sammy/who-is-a-jew).
  • Conversion: i.e. what process of conversion other than the normative orthodox procedure should be considered valid. Ultra Orthodox Rabbi think that conversions can be valid only if it is performed as per the guidelines prescribed by them. That is under the strict observance of all orthodox laws and the acceptance of such rules by three (3) presiding rabbis. If Jews from other countries do the same conversion using similar rules but without three rabbis, then they are not accepted by the orthodox rabbis. This has caused a lot of frustration and anger in communities where they feel they are being discriminated by the orthodox rabbis who have taken control of the "official" say in this matter in the Knesset (Israeli Parliament).
  • It is interesting to note the disparity of fairness in the orthodox rabbis rulings. They deem that a Jew born to a Jewish mother need not follow any Jewish customs, even consume non-kosher foods and break every rule of Judaism, but will be automatically be considered as a Jew and given the highest respect at their synagogue to perform religious rites with the Torah. In contrast, a converted Jew is expected to follow and honor all the rules of Judaism to the strictest level and be approved by these 3 rabbis as having proven themselves, to be accepted as Jews.
  • If such a converted Jew (not accepted by orthodox rabbis) has a higher commitment to the religion than the automatic Jews from mother's source, then he will be deprived the right to get Israeli immigration, and their children will not be allowed to have a barmitzva in the orthodox synagogue.
  • Historical loss of Jewish identity: i.e. whether a person's or group's actions (such as conversion to a different religion) or circumstances in his, her or community's life (such as being unaware of Jewish parents) should affect his or her Jewish status.
  • Diaspora identity: identity of Jews among themselves, and by non-Jews throughout the Jewish diaspora.
  • Claim to Israeli citizenship: the examination of the three previous issues in the context of the Basic Laws of Israel.


Ethnic and cultural perspectives
    This article is missing citations or needs footnotes. Please help add inline citations to guard against copyright violations and factual inaccuracies. (February 2008)
Main article: Secular Jewish culture

Ethnic Jew is a term generally used to describe a person of Jewish parentage and background who actively practice laws of Judaism[citation needed] and identifies with Judaism and/or other Jews culturally and fraternally[citation needed]. The term "ethnic Jew" does not specifically exclude practicing Jews, but they are usually simply referred to as "Jews" without the qualifying adjective "ethnic". See: Ethnic group. Ethnic Jews seems to be a racial term used by the white Jews as it is mistakenly assumed by them that they are the original source of Judaism.

If you saw the movie Ten Commandments, then you will clearly identify Jews as being a white race. Hence the average person assumes that Jews came from a white European based origin. So the problem here is that the Jews of Europe and USA feel they are the original Jews and everybody else is ethnic.

In reality the original Jews like Abraham, Issac and Jacob lied in the desert regions of modern day middle east, so it can be safely assumed that they were not white but rather dark skin colored due to the climatic conditions where they lived. Hence it will be safer to assume that the dark Jews are more closer to the original Jews than the white ones. However to eliminate this class/race discussion, it should be encouraged that all groups be referred to as simply Jews and nothing else. However there will always be references to Jews from various regions such as American Jews, European Jews, African Jews, Indian Jews, and so on.

The term can refer to people of diverse beliefs and backgrounds due to the fact that genealogy largely defines who is "Jewish".
"Ethnic Jew" is sometimes used to distinguish non-practicing from practicing (religious) Jews. Other terms include "non-observant Jew,"[citation needed]"non-religious Jew,"[citation needed] "non-practicing Jew,"[citation needed] and "secular Jew".[citation needed]

The term sometimes can refer exclusively to Jews who practice the religion of Judaism. While some are close to orthodox Judaism, others can do so casually in their connection to the religious traditions. Typically, ethnic Jews are cognizant of their Jewish background, and may feel strong cultural (even in religious) ties to Jewish traditions and to the Jewish people or nation. Like people of any Jewish background, non-religious Jews can assimilate into a surrounding non-Jewish culture, however, especially in areas where there is a strong local Jewish culture, they may remain largely part of that culture instead.

All Groups of Jews (not just ethnic ones)
include atheists, agnostics, non-denominational deists, Jews with only casual connections to Jewish denominations or converts to other religions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam. Religious Jews of all denominations sometimes engage in outreach to non-religious ethnic Jews, and ask them to rediscover Judaism. In the case of some Hasidic denominations (e.g. Chabad-Lubavitch) this outreach extends to active proselytizing.[37] [38] [39] [40]

Israeli immigration laws will accept an application for Israeli citizenship if there is proven documentation that any grandparent—not just the maternal grandmother—was Jewish. This does not mean that person is an "ethnic Jew", but Israeli immigration will accept that person because he or she has an ethnically Jewish connection, and because this same degree of connection was sufficient to be persecuted as a Jew by the Nazis. See Jewish ethnic divisions.

The traditional European definition of Jewishness (although it was not uniform across Europe) differs markedly from the definition used by the American progressive movement. In the former USSR, "Jew" was a nationality or ethnicity by law.

The European definition is traditional in many respects, and reflects not only how the Europeans saw Jews, but also how Jews saw themselves. It has been argued that the Israeli law draws on external definitions of Jewishness (such as the Nazi and Soviet definitions), rather than traditional halakhic criteria.

Members of most secular societies accept a person as a Jew if they say that they are, unless there is reason to believe that the person is misrepresenting themselves for some reason. Some members of Reform Judaism have also adopted this viewpoint.[citation needed]


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Comments + Changes made to Wikipedia - Who is a Jew
To: AllJews <alljews@b-inet.com>

As expected the wikipedia free lance protectors will not allow for REAL factual information to be presented along side their biased one sided reporting .So much for fairness and freedom of speech in the world. This is good thing because it helps me understand that  there is a rat that they are tying to hide and hence their desperate need to block any true information that will challenge their assumptions that they are threatened will blow holes into their fake information reported to brainwash the world Jewish congregations.

I feel I have a twin brother who is supporting me when no one else will https://mail.google.com/mail/e/330.

Email to Wikipedia administrators by Solomon Borgawker who is  reporting the changes :

From: Solomon Borgawker

To: info-en-o@wikimedia.org, unblock-en-l@lists.wikimedia.org

IMPORTANT : Please forward this email to the right person/department for a response ASAP.

I need to block an article that has false and biased information in it. My edits to it were blocked by those trying to protect false information and not allowing factual information to be added to this article. They have stooped low by reporting my edits as abusive and disruptive. I have provided my contact address in my posts and yet they have chosen not to contact me nor provided an reputable information why they deem my edits incorrect to this subject.

My offer for discussion in the post :

(NOTE : Four times users Jayjg, Hertz1888 have removed my additions without any explanation of what is wrong with the facts that I am presenting. Why cannot users Jayjg and/or Hertz1888 engage in an email conversation to discuss this matter. If this is not acceptable to them, then please advice on how to refute wrong information provided in the original article and have it removed from wikipedia.

As part of the freedom of speech privilege I should be able to provide accurate factual reporting on Wikipedia about this subject and not accept just biased one sided reporting. I have tried to be fair to all Jews in my reporting. If any specific changes need to be corrected then send me email to "borgawker at gmail dot com" before removing anything and I will make the corrections myself. I would like anybody to challenge my additions and I will be happy to provide background information as requested.  If I don't hear from anybody in a week who wishes to discuss this, I will remove this contact paragraph from here. Thank You.)

I need such people who abuse their power to be removed from their responsibility to do so as they are certainly incapable to do so in any professional manner. If this email is not enough to get this done I will be happy to contact my legal avenues to correct this matter on grounds of discrimination.

The people who have extra Wikipedia powers are hiding behind fake names such as Materialscientist (
Jayjg, Hertz1888) and not doing ther fair share of communicating with the users to resolve any disputes as I have suggested 4 times now.

(PS: Wikipedia has the most user un-friendly and unusable interface when trying to find a way to report a poor article or a false information in an article. The general user interface is mediocre and impossible to navigate which leads the user in a cyclic form that helps them accomplish very little. But like all things that come FREE. you get what you paid for. Even so I am proud of this forum which only needs the adjustment to make it fair for information to be accepted from all sources, not just those who are biased to a certain viewpoint)

In the least I wish to add a dispute section for the false and biased information provided in this article and put a disclaimer for the users who read it or have it removed from wikipedia.

BOGUS FAULTY ARTICLE :  Who is a Jew?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F

Solomon Borgawker.


On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:


From: Daniel B wrote on Date: Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 10:03 AM

Congratulations Mr. Sammy Benjamin, for fighting to collect information and compiling it for the sake of the community.


One man's efforts go long way


Daniel Bamnolkar



Rachel Miriam wrote on Sunday, February 14, 2010 8:14 PM

Hello All,

        I think these facts are questioned beautifully and sadly represents so much that is wrong with the modern Jewish world. Who really cares where your Judaism comes from. I was recently very surprised to find that my mother's family who emigrated to the u.s. in the late 17th century from Germany brought their Jewish heritage with them through a male ancestor. Does this make generations of people living as Jews here in the U.S. not really Jews at all?

No one in the family was even aware of this fact(thank you ancestery.com). Please people,do you really want the facts ? The fact is that Jews are a dying people. If a person lives a Jewish life and raises Jewish children then that in and of it's self is a beautiful and amazing thing. Shouldn't we all be more focused on our lives now as Jews than we are our pasts as Jews. I care much more about my Jewish grandchildren  than my Jewish grandparents.

Very few of us if we were submitted to DNA testing would probably show true and pure Jewish ancestry. If you hard-core orthadox Jews would like, we who are un-pure can take our children right down to the Catholic,Baptist or Methodist churches.Lets see just what would happen to Judaism when all of that un-kosher money dries up. Would that make you all happy. See just where Judaism goes then.....


Rachel Miriam


Datehttps://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif: Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 12:04 AM

Subjecthttps://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif : Comments : AM I A JEW ?


I am thinking about adding another question to my FINAL document :
Why will NO orthodox rabbi or learned person reply the 3 basic questions I have posed in my document (attached)?

A few learned orthodox people have acknowledged that the original covenant of God is that the father is the passer of Judaism to his children. This is an ORTHODOX  belief, NOT to be discounted as CONSERVATIVE or REFORM.

Below are comments from one person who seems to be resonating my words - Thank you Rizpah for having the courage to speak the TRUTH as you know it, a virtue which very few people have demonstrated in this matter.

Rabbis tell me that the maternal rule was instated long before the holocaust but I have not seen the evidence about this. None the less I have sited other reasons why the interpretors of the laws  changed the ORIGINAL covenant. Their silence is deafening and reveals the apparent TRUTH which they will not speak.

Can anybody in Israel take the initiative to help me to get the contact address of the chief Rabbis at the Knesset so I can write to them to seek their advice?

I think that the WHO IS A JEW  issue
is similar to another one I am fighting to prevent the
KILLING OF DOLPHINS in the world. (web link)

I may not be able to convince those who are given the power and responsibility to correct such problems,  or STOP them from their wrongdoing, But I am sure going to TRY and give it my BEST SHOT.

I am spreading the word and increasing awareness of such issues that exploit and discriminate against the weak and the minorities.

At the least I have documented these issues along with your comments and opinions and I can only hope that someday, somebody in power will have the courage to do the RIGHT THING.

Comments follow :
Rizpah wrote :

Dear Sammy,
With regard to your debate on the above subject, it is my opinion that...
According to the Torah and throughout the generations, the patriachial system has been in existence and the father was the one who passed on the religion to his children. During the time of the holocaust, several women were raped and thus impregnated. Not knowing the paternity of the child, the rabbis said that the mother should be the one to pass on the religion to the children.

At that time it was ok. The Bible also allows the Rabbis to make certain changes if circumstances so dictate. But times have changed and we should be going back to the rulings of the Torah wherein the father passes down the religion to the children. With the progress of time, I would say that, both the mother and father should be allowed to pass down the religion to the family...if so desired. There is an equality of the sexes , you know.
When we pray we say,( English Translation) God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob. The old texts do not say, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Leah and Rachel.
That is only besides the fact, that I firmly believe that a Jew is one who believes in Judaism, whatever his parentage. Also, the process of conversion is merely ceremonial, and at heart the person may not believe in Judaism, even while undergoing the ceremony. Oh dear me!


From: "Sammy Benjamin" <sammybenjamin@gmail.com>
To : Ben W., NC


Dear Ben,
I am sorry to hear that you think what I am presenting are solely my own opinions when you are actually one of those people who is directly affected by this problem.

Not being able to change what is wrong seems to be your inability to cope with change or making an effort to do so to convince people to see what the truth is.

I do believe there is scope for change.

I am not paranoid and if you do think so then I will still ask anybody to go to to my final letter and reply to the 3 basic questions that I have posed (document attached) . I have gotten reply from our local Rabbi to the first question that it is biblically true that
the original covenant of God is that the father is the passer of Jewishness to his children. He, like you. has his hands tied  to make the right decision to do what is right. (In a more serious light, those who caused/helped the holocaust also had the same exact excuse).

This experience has led me to realize that people are either cowards or selfish, most times both. It has made me learn more about what I already knew about human behavior. If given the choice, they will shovel their problems under the carpet and let somebody else deal with the problem. I am glad I have been able to document in detail my findings and those who dare to face the truth can go answer my questions rather than get all judgmental about personal matters.

You have decided to take the same approach because either you do not care about this problem or it does not affect you as much at I think it does. So ... realizing the perception/assumption that you have made of me getting "violent" (????), I will gladly take you off my mailing list. (You said : I don't want to be complicit in any way if these protests of yours turn violent.)

PS: BTW, you could have used the delete key of your favorite email program if you did not want to read any of my emails about  this issue and you know better than that if you just wanted to avoid facing this problem http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/04.gif.

I know in the final analysis you only mean well. http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gifGood wishes to your family, we can always remain friends despite this disagreement.

PS:  It will be great if you  have a local Rabbi who you can take the attached document to and have him provide his opinion/expert advice in this matter. It will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ben W. wrote:

In a message dated 02/19/10 05:27:24 Jerusalem Standard Time, sammybenjamin@gmail.com writes:

Sammy, you are starting to get paranoid. Please try to understand that what you present are not "facts," they are your own personal interpretations and opinions. They may be true or they may be false, but either way, mainstream Judaism has no way to change the rules.

It's one of our religion's worst problems. We don't have a pope who can just make a declaration and change the rules.

The rabbis in Israel are simply following the "rules" as they know them (both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, despite what you say) and have no more power to change halakhah than you or I do. They are not in charge of the Jewish world. Nor am I. Nor are you.

Please take me off your mailing lists. I understand your pain, but I don't need to hear about it twice a day and I don't want to be complicit in any way if these protests of yours turn violent.

Ben W.


From: "Sammy Benjamin" <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> 

To:"J. Solomon" 

Dear J,
I am proud of people like yourself who are OPEN to discover the TRUTH based on REAL FACTUAL DATA that I have researched. Because much of this has affected my life, hence my drive to spare no effort to dig into this matter and re-instate the REAL COVENANT of GOD as he willed it to be.

I feel my current purpose in life is to help reinstate this forgotten and abandoned covenant of our God. I fell he himself must have put this strength in me to fight this battle alone against all odds.

Whether I succeed or not is secondary. But I have been able to bring about awareness about this issue that leads/creates many other issues for many Jews around the world. Hence it will remain document with many Jews around the world what I have presented and maybe somebody, some other day will pick up this battle and take it through to revelation.

I hope this happens before the Messiah comes and has to do it himself http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gif.

PS:. It will be great if you can comment on this issue yourself, just your opinion, and if you have a Rabbi who you can take the attached document to and have him provide his opinion/expert advice in this matter. It will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

--- On Mon, 2/15/10, J. Solomon> wrote:


Where are you based?

I have received a few mails from you regarding this interesting subject.

It certainly is very interesting and all the efforts that you are putting in to get the right information out.


Be in touch,


Best Regards,

J.  Solomon, Israel



Date : https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gifThu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:26 PM

Subjecthttps://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif : Answers from Rabbi Joshua.

Dear Rabbi Joshua Kolet,

I am proud of you to have replied to my questions. You are the only one who has directly replied to the points I raised in my final letter. You have courage to face the truth and discuss it rationally without getting judgmental. I was impressed to hear the first RIGHT definition of Who is a Rabbi that you provide in a video, which is totally different from what they prescribe for Rabbis in USA. I agree 100% with you in this mater irregardless of what is being promoted by orthodox religious factories who product “certified” Rabbis. The problem being, they seem to be fine wonderful and loving people but struggle to handle real life decision making due to lack their experience. They are not allowed to think outside the box.


“Final” and “conclusion” seems to be a relative terms in this discourse which is far from over. I did share with you my background information that encourages me to fix this problem for ALL JEWS. More specifically, I have heard about this problem all through my growing years and it has been a long learning process for more than 3 decades that has finally given me the courage to present to the world what I have learned and believe.


I admit I did not learn Judaism in a yeshiva or from a rabbi but from the school of life and listening to my ancestors, relatives and friends in synagogue and their homes. In later years I did some focused reading and observed real life situations when there were mixed marriage between a Jewish man and a non-Jewish woman and what happens when a non-Jewish man married a Jewish woman.


IN EACH AND EVERY CASE OF MY EXPERIENCE, THE FAMILY AND THEIR CHILDREN TOOK THE FAITH OF THEIR FATHER AND ABONDONED THE MOTHERS RELIGION. Tell me if this has been your experience too. There is no denying this REAL IMPORTANT learning from REAL LIFE EVENTS that happen around you. In ensuing years I did experience the burden of having to prove my Jewishnesss specifically when my children were born and needed something to be done at the orthodox synagogue in

- Show quoted text -

USA. This small discrimination was easy to ignore to get my needs met as there were learned experienced Rabbis who knew how to work around the problem and achieve the intended goals.

- Show quoted text -


Now I have come to a stalemate due these wrongly interpreted laws and I am trying to fix the discriminatory effects of such flawed laws. More about the specifics is another email.


I will reply to your document inline as if we are having a conversation …………


Rabbi Joshua’s text in brownSammy Benjamin’s text in blue.


Dear Sammy,


I had responded once earlier to your questions supplying an example which you wisely decided to delete from the discussion as it showed Bene Israel community in a negative light.


Sammy writes:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I remember I did reply to you in detail and it is part of my web page discourse/debate  WHO IS A JEW ? You misunderstood that I wisely deleted it from this discussion. Nonetheless I am publishing both of your letters with my responses here.


I find that your exposure to Israel and your Rabbinical education there has diminished the value of the resolve of your own ancestors who kept Judaism alive despite being forgotten by the world, not having the Torah and yet followed the customs of their forefathers.  The Bene Israel had all the luxuries and pressures to convert to Hinduism, Christianity or Islam, which were clearly dominant in the society around them. Clearly, they decided to persevere and still continue to do so today.


Being Jewish when all the luxuries and conveniences of Jewish life are in your neighborhood is easy (including having cake and coke that is Kosher for Passover), but keeping Judaism alive with whatever little was available to them is a great achievement by the Bene Israel. Your position as a Rabbi in India is a proven legacy of their efforts.


Hence I am not worried about any negative light that you might want to present your own Bene Israel people in, because I am proud of what they did achieve, and not ashamed of what they could not.





I will try to share with you my opinions once again. Let me begin by answering your questions.


+1. Do Orthodox Rabbis agree that the original covenant of God is that the FATHER is the passer of the faith to his children?


No, (???) Rabbis (Orthodox or any other) that are true to the traditions handed down to them in the Talmud (which they believe as the original covenant passed intact) will agree that "Father is passer of the faith."

Then the question arises does the Talmud differ from the stories of the Torah as you read it? And the answer is Yes.

Please let me elaborate using a few examples.


In the Torah we read that:


1.      Abraham marries his half Sister Sarah.

2.      Abraham on entering the land of Israel makes Altars and sacrifices at different places.

3.      Abraham does a near sacrifice of his son Isaac.

4.      Jacob marries two Sisters.

5.      The Torah calls for Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth, Life for Life.

6.      To own slaves is permissible by Torah.

7.      Torah also allows Polygamy.


All the above practices are mentioned in the Torah and one might decide that if the Patriarchs did it so can we. But the truth is that the original covenant (Torah) explicitly abhors actions 1 to 4 and teaches us so. The whole process of receiving the covenant and accepting it was to uproot some norms that were practiced then. Recognizing that the covenant is an impetus to growth our sages reinterpreted some mores of those times that are not explicit in the Torah but are in the same spirit and hence examples 5 and 6 were never accepted at face value. I do not need to tell you why example 7 is also unacceptable although it is detrimental to our quantitative growth as a people!


A reader trying to understand the Torah will be totally confused to define this original covenant that you wish to find in the Torah. This is because life is a dynamic entity and so are the laws governing it. The Torah is the covenant with the Jewish people and the covenant gives amazing powers to the representatives of this people to interpret the law using their own spiritual logic. These representatives who were the 70 elders that Moshe chose and that body of sages was later called as Anshei Kenneset Ha Gedolah and then the Great Sanhedrin. They are the ones who decide this original covenant.


Sammy writes:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I will reiterate your points:

- Show quoted text -

·         The original covenant of God is "Father is passer of the faith." HALLE LUJA, exactly my point. Question  1 answered.

·         Our sages reinterpreted some mores of those times that are not explicit in the Torah and modified the above covenant to meet the needs of the times when the warring clans were butchering all the males and it was important to transfer this ownership to the women so it can allow the continuance of their tribe even in a situation where  all their men were taken out of the picture.

·         I think we should use these amazing powers of interpretation to put back the original covenant of God back in its original form. Does anybody have strong drawbacks about fatherly passing of Judaism????

·         I am an advocate for allowing both mother and father to pass Judaism to their children, but the child be judged at time of barmitzva/batmitzva.

·         The orthodox can ascertain at that time of starting adulthood if the child has chosen to live like a Jews or not in their adult life. Living in this modern world, I am sure they will have to bypass this step. Hmmmm….  I think this is exactly what they do.

·         Just taking USA as an example for such a certification and in my recollection of what I hear from my friends from Israel, more than 50% of these children will not be able to be get certified even if their mother was a born Jew.

·         Then why discriminate against those who really make the effort to be Jewish and why make it harder for them to be recognized as such? When the  Jews born to Jewish mothers break every rule from the Torah, eat pork, don’t celebrate Shabbath, have a christmans tree at their homes, eat on Yom Kippur day, etc. etc. etc.

·         In my experience these automatic Jews are honored to read the Torah and perform special priestly services. But I never complained about it because I believe that this is a relation of that person with our God and I am not entitled to evaluate it. Then why and how do these orthodox Rabbis feel entitled to ASSUME THE POWERS TO EVALUTE ANYBODY’s JEWISHNESS WHEN THET DON’T DO SO FOR THOSE WHO WERE MERELY BORN TO JEWISH MOTHERS.

·         Do you agree that a child born to a Jewish father (but not a Jewish mother) had the FULL POTENTIAL to be a GOOD JEW? I already know you agree. Do elaborate if you don’t.



2+ Was this covenant CHANGED to imply that MOTHER will now be the SOLE passer of faith to the children?


The Sanhedrin understood that Matrilineal lineage was the intention of the Creator and found hints in the Torah to teach their spiritual Logic. Jews learning the Talmud believe that their decision was based on the oral law given at Sinai. But for those who are skeptical of this believe, the written law demands that they accept the decision of the Sanhedrin, period, even if the Sanhedrin devised this as a novel change in the way things were.


Sammy writes:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


This looks like an assumption, I would like to evaluate the hints found in the Torah that preaches maternal lineage. So far I have seen none, other than those interpreted.


The “PERIOD” part of your statement has proven to be a brain washer in Orthodox Judaism when true Jews wish to use their mind to express themselves and correct the inequalities that these flawed laws  have introduced in our world congregations.




3+ Are the authoritative Rabbis or our world Jewish communities willing to accept these facts  and put in place a solution  that reinstates the original covenant of God and improves it by allowing mothers to pass on the Jewish faith to their children as well ?


The solution that you espouse is an impossibility. No rabbinate in its power can change this position, even with all the proof in the world that such was the case earlier. They do not have any jurisdiction over the matter. Some rulings can be changed by another Sanhedrin if they are more learned that the once who passed the ruling but laws of this category are irreversible. Even if a new Sanhedrin would be selected unanimously by the Jewish people they do not have the right to amend decisions of an earlier Sanhedrin that are taught as oral laws from Moshe from Sinai and this falls in that category.


Sammy writes:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

WOW !!! This I call a deadlock situation which seems like we Jews created for ourselves. The words like “impossible”, “no jurisdiction”, “no right to amend decisions”, seem so out of date and so not for the REAL world we live in. Somebody did change the original covenant of God’s Torah so why not have the wisdom to revert it back which is the right thing to do.


IT is like the whites Americans, insisting that the rules that their ancestors put in place, for blacks to be treated as slaves cannot be changed because it is impossible, nobody has jurisdiction and nobody has the right to amend such decisions. 


The BASIC RULE OF LIFE IS CHANGE, (Hey, even Obama said it to win the election, no surprises why most Jews did not vote for him J).


IF you don’t change you TAKE THE RISK OF GETTING OUTDATED AND PERISH. Even Jews over the centuries evolved and used change to survive in this world that has been so cruel to most of us.




This is ONE BIG REASON WHY THE JEWS BORN TO JEWISH MOTHERS ARE ASSIMILATING IN THE USA AND ISRAEL FASTER THAN WE CAN COUNT. I am sure Judaism cannot survive without controlled change. That does not mean we change everything that is in the Torah, because for those types of drastically modified choices, we have its modified version of Judaism offered in the form of Islam and Christianity.





My dear friend, as you are about to conclude your honest quest to know the truth of the problem facing the Jewish people, I humbly request you to see the issue from a totally different perspective. The Torah with its laws were gifted to us by the Almighty from among all nations for many unfathomable reasons one of which was to have a relationship with him by curbing our desires and accepting his “original” will (BINGO !!!). One way of doing so is questioning and realizing that something is not logical and yet accepting it wholeheartedly because it is the will of our Creator. In this case His will is (????) to follow the Great Sanhedrin's decision. The fact that you do it even when you have an argument against its validity gives you an opportunity to overcome your ego and in conclusion that is what counts, because then you understood a higher Truth.


Sammy writes:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IN

I think I am looking at this issue in a totally different perspective – the right one – to fix what is wrong with it. My problem has been, nobody else seems to want to do the same L.


The will of our creator is that we are :








This is not about overcoming my EGO but do what is RIGHT. I refuse to agree that MOTHER SOLELY PASSES JUDAISM TO HER CHILDREN. I am willing to accommodate that BOTH PARENTS ARE THE PASSERS OF JUDAISNM TO THEIR CHILDREN.


I feel I have understood the higher truth, not sure how many generations it will take to convince others to see the true light at the end of the tunnel/cave they seem to be stuck inside.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT


Blessings  and  Love,

Rabbi Joshua Kolet


Sammy writes:  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IN


I think I have done my part to raise enough awareness and present the facts.

It is up to Hashem, our God, to do the rest, unless my work is not done yet,

BECAUSE I AIN’T QUITTING https://mail.google.com/mail/e/330.


With Respect and Regards,

Samuel Benjamin








- Show quoted text -

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:51 AM, Sammy Benjamin <sammybenjamin@gmail.com> wrote:


A great discourse follows with a learned Rabbi ... with my comments embedded in blue : I still need a person who can help start a political reform discussion in Israel at the Knesset between these two schools of though that will provide the rightful recognition of jews without discrimination based of their place of  birth/origin. Many of my questions and comments remain unanswered ..... :


Dear Rabbi Joshua,

I truly appreciate your response as many refrain to respond to such sensitive issues and your insight into this matter is important to me.

I will respond to your document with my comments embedded in your message in blue color.

If I sound negative sometimes, do not take it personally, as I think this is a learning experience for me and I wish to exhaust the reasons that makes me strongly believe in what I have learned and understood about this matter.



Dear Sammy,


I am not sure if we have met. Forgive me for my memory.
You have a great question that needs perusal.

Since you have already read the rabbi's response from Ohr Sameach I will not unnecessarily repeat the orthodox position. I will humbly try to share with you my conclusions of the Talmudic didactic process. The views are my own.

Although you are very straightforward to reject the "atrociously unacceptable biased interpretation" as it is without any factual basis, I agree with you. At the same time I beg to differ as to the conclusion that your line of thinking may lead to. Please bear with me as I digress.



Sammy wrote: I stand by my statements which are based on factual information and the experiences that I have been through in my life. To elaborate, apart from what is written in the books, this is what I see in real life and it is far too obvious what changes occurs in a family when a Jewish man marries a converted Jewish women which is contrary when a Jewish woman marries a non-Jewish man. If you have lived in India or Asia or any Middle Eastern country, you will have this experience based on the dominant role of the male in these societies. I do not have much experience with the roles of male in historical European and American societies and hence cannot comment if the male was the dominant partner or not. But if he was not, then it would explain very well why certain traits were assigned to the woman.



Let us look at our Bene Israel History for a moment regarding a peculiar practice.

We had a very unfortunate tradition of calling the children of converts (who were always women married to Jewish men) as "Black Israel". They were never given Aliyah to the Torah and were made to sit on back benches in the Synagogues. Families of pure "Bene Israel blood" never married in these families who were ostracized ( I am sure you will have a memory of this bias and no citations required).


Sammy wrote: Black Jews ????  This is the first time I am hearing about them.  If this is not racism, then what is ? I am thankful I was never a part of such a discriminatory behavior anytime in my 25 years of life in India and later in New York (both Kingston & Poughkeepsie). I never even felt it when I moved to Raleigh, NC. But I have experienced a feeling of being treated as a lesser Jew unfortunately in  Cary North Carolina. I love my rabbi and I want to give him a benefit of the doubt as what he must be doing is based on what he learned from  the same interpreted studies that you have learned in your yeshivs education.

 Sammy updated : This must be before my time and hence I was unaware of such discriminations  Thank God.



I can think of two conclusions for this practice.

1. Our ancestors were not sure of the validity of the ritual that was being practiced - as Talmudic Judaism had defined. And hence we ostracized the converts and their descendants for our lack of knowledge.


This was one of the older traditions practiced by our ancestors like Monotheism, Circumcision and Shabbath rest( we were known as Saniwar telis) and did not allow sons of these women since the conversion was not valid.




Sammy wrote : I have never experienced any such treatment or behaviors in my lifetime in India or USA. I am lucky to have lived in a newer era when such unfair traditions were forgotten.




I beg to reject the first conclusion on the following grounds:

1.      Once we were taught rabbinic Judaism by David Rahabi, the 3 families who were Kaziz were taught well all basic laws and I am sure the ritual for conversion was also taught to them. Without that they would not have converted period as they were very pious.

The second conclusion is more likely as our ancestors had memories of Temple Centered Judaism and probably continued a conversion process before they were taught rabbinic Judaism (by David Rahabi). This conversion would be like the conversion of Ruth (Your God is my God and your People My people). No Beth Din, No Mikve.

If so, our God fearing community must have had a very good reason to go against another explicit law in the Torah of loving converts and not ostracizing them.


Sammy wrote: I am confused by your statement that  this is documented in the Torah, I need to see it if the Torah explicitly tells us that conversions are barred and the women is the one who passes her Judaism to her children automatically and not the father.


You are trying to justify that some interpreted laws are OK to be flawed and the orthodox Jews seem to have put in your mind their belief that they themselves are the sole authority to authorize and approve conversions to Judaism. Jews converted all over the world, you are not sure if your ancestors did this as well or not, but we still believe and trust that we are truly Jewish, don’t we. 


So if a person converted in all good faith with whatever avenues were avaialb leto them in their country and has lived a Jewish life which can be determined by written affidavits from 10 individual persons (like the minyan rule) then it should be sufficient to to give that person the recognition of a Jew. And if it is not as such, then please pull out your Jew evaluation kit and test all the existing Jews.


Because to be fair they need to be held at the same standards as any other convert is expected to be at. I have heard that if this person enrolls themselves in the orthodox conversion program and follow their rules to convert to Judaism then it is deemed a KOSHER conversion.  AMAZING inequality of recognizing Jews.




I believe in the absence of clear directives regarding their conversion process without a Beth Mikdash(Temple) and its sacrifices,
which probably was a part of ritual conversion during the Temple era, they preferred to transgress a clear law.



 Sammy wrote: I respectfully disagree. You write a hypothetical statement “which probably was a part of ritual conversion” and trying to make me believe it is completely true, when people are NOT SURE thasy use words like “maybe”, “probably”, “could be”, “possibly”.





It could be assumed that they did have a tradition of a Matrilineal Lineage. Hence children from a doubtful conversion were "black" like the majority of Indians.

This certainly is not conclusive but an attempt to connect a few dots with an example of a community which was never subjected to rapes and persecution to develop a tradition of matrilineal lineage as supposed.




Sammy: This is THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT to keep in mind as I unfold my reasons of maternal lineage preference.

 AH you finally mentioned the word “RAPE” which is one of the main reasons for the introduction of a tradition of a Matrilineal Lineage. I have covered these points in detail in this discourse and there is no need to repeat it here.




Let's go back to a glaring example you did not include from the Ohr Sameach's Rabbi.

This is important because it is written much before the Talmud.

The quote is from the book of Ezra 10:2-3: Some of the Jews who had returned from the exile declare, "We have trespassed against our G-d and have taken foreign wives of the people of the land. Yet, there is hope in Israel concerning this thing. Therefore, let us make a covenant with our G-d to put away all the wives and such as are born to them, according to the counsel of the L-rd and of those who assemble at the commandment of G-d; let it be done according to the law."




Sammy wrote : Is this written in the Torah ??? put away all the wives and such as are born to them”




We know that the Torah forbids marriage with the non Jewess. But we do not have a conclusive decision regarding progeny from such couples. The above quote with the italics teaches us just that. Without a known tradition why will the Jews be willing to put away their sons and call it commandment of God?

We certainly have a Patcrilineal tradition as the children of Abraham Isaac and Jacob But they were no Jews then and they married according to the dictates of Wisdom/Prophecy. When the Torah was received at Sinai we also received an oral Matrilineal tradition.

There certainly is wisdom in this tradition. Isn't it the mother who teaches the child his basic fabric of values? He is helplessly dependent on her, not the father. Along with nourishment we can be assured that he is also nurtured in the path of her beliefs by default. The same cannot be said about the father as even without his presence a child can grow, and in fact will be in the presence of the women of the household (at least in the tribal world where Judaism evolved) and learning from them their values.




 Sammy updates : With due respect the above are just opinions to attempt to try and justify the maternal law.

Sammy wrote: IT is a LOADED ASSUMPTION that may have been true in the old ages. I think the mother and the father BOTH provide specific traits to their children and in my experience the father is the one who has predominantly provided the direction of religious faith to his children. Just take me, I have learned more about Judaism from my father than my mother, even when both were Jews by birth. My mother was more a comforting person when I needed moral support and healing. I am willing to agree that this can be a regional/cultural difference between the jews who live in Asia/Middle East versus those from Europe/Americas. Hence BOTH these school of thoughts ARE TRUE based on REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES.





To conclude I will like to point out that the Talmud does not interpret laws to prove them conclusively as you expected it to do. It merely works on a given oral tradition and hopefully tries to interpret that information from the text, sometimes rejecting its own attempts and trying others, to help us remember that tradition, and sharpen our skills at interpretation and logic as that it a very treasured gift that Hashem bestowed on humans. The reason I believe is to sharpen these tools to eventually try and "KNOW GOD" as best as we can. But that is a topic of a different discussion.

Thanks for the patience.

Blessing and Peace

Rabbi Joshua E. K.




Sammy updates : This means these laws were written based on trial and error to suit what worked and change them when they did not work. If the “Talmud does not interpret laws to prove them conclusively,” then why worry about reverting back to God’s original covenant that make sense to provide equaity to Judaism and all jews.


Sammy wrote: Thank you for these insights that make me wiser. I accept that I am less learned that you are and also less experienced in life. So I am willing to accept I could be wrong in my thinking but nothing I have heard so far has changed my mind. Based on what I have learned about this issue makes me confident that my thinking is on the right track. My quest continues.


Truly and Best Regards,

Sammy Benjamin.


Sammy updates :

With respect to all and in pursuit of finding the TRUTH





https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gifFri, Feb 19, 2010 at 9:46 AM


https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gifA wise man speaks - Re: Answers from Rabbi Joshua. Re: Comments : AM I A JEW ?




hide details 9:46 AM (3 hours ago)


When a wise man speaks, I listen. https://mail.google.com/mail/e/330

For once I receive an email where I am in full agreement. All I did was underline the important parts :). Another person I am proud of and will respect for having the courage to say what he feels is RIGHT.

Many Thanks to
Nissim Moses for sharing his wisdom and knowledge :

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:25 AM, Nissim Moses wrote:

Dear Sammy Benjamin & Rabbi Joshua Kolet,


I shall hereby relate a small story from Genesis.


After the almighty created Adam & Eve & put them in the Garden of Eden. He instructed them that they may enjoy all the fruits thereof but are not permitted to eat of the fruit of two trees. 1. The Tree of Life & 2.The Tree of Knowledge.


As in spite of that instruction both Eve & Adam ate of the Tree of Knowledge.The punishment was harsh as per the Torah. Adam on behalf of Man & Eve on behalf of Woman made the decision & paid the price That not even God shall tell them what they shall know & not know. In effect to decide what is right & wrong & in effect to change things. This is basically the difference between Man & Animal. The right to Knowledge.


Rabbis are an institution created by man in order to teach people & not rule or control them. Further this institution had not right to assume control religious thinking or any process thereof. This right was usurped by them.The only institution created in the Torah is the Council of Elders as the Bene Israel  Institutions had in India for Centuries & they governed their congregations very wisely.


As a matter of Fact that is the main reason the Bene Israel had never suffered Anti Semitism but served their God with Honor & Dignity in the Land of their hosts & earned their respect. Look what happened in other nations where the Rabbis had influence over the Jewish population - those people suffered generations of persecution & harassment & anti Semitism.


Dear Rabbi Joshua Kolet I have great respect for  you but I must again remind you that The Greatest Task of a Rabbi is to be "A Rabbi Representing His people to the Institutions & Not a Rabbi of the Institutions to His people. Be an Elder of the People & then a Rabbi. (An Elder is a "Hacham" who through his Knowledge Has earned the Respect of his people. A Rabbi on the other hand having Learned (Note Learning & Knowledge are not always synonymous)  demands respect from his people. Being an Elder always earns you Greater Honor.




Nissim Moses





Best Regards from Sammy Benjamin






Hannoch C. wrote on Thursday, February 18, 2010, 11:21 AM :


Let me start my draft with the saying ....Better late than never



Opinion on your mails :- I have seen your repeated attempts in finding the answer to a simple question ' Who is a Jew' 


I am shocked at the response and also surprised that none to date has a proper and a logical revert to it. I did my bit of marking a mail t someone in Israel. No I too did not get any revert from them. No one I know could justify the real answer for 'Who is a Jew', we all have been made to believe what we have heard from our father and forefathers. And I am not surprised that it would be only you to break this age of tradition of questioning things are asking for a logical answer.


I salute your openness to accept criticism and share that too with one and all, a normal person would not share the brick bats that we collect on his way to the top. The icing on the cake was, you actually did attempt to change the Wikipedia , not sure if the change is completed. I have not contributed anything on this subject, but did learn a lot following the series of mails from you and also from the other learned men and from those who choose to remain silent.


One more thing which touched me is your attempt to save the mass killing of the whales. Again , less of my contribution , but your attempt to reach the so called authorities and make a difference is a big lesson in itself. If you want, you can make a difference, is the moral of that story ..


Lastly, I feel too small information wise while replying or contributing to your mails. So I think twice, thrice before replying back, coz I know you would be the first person to verify every inch of information that you get from any source. So all I can say is this is just my learning phase



Take care

- Hannoch C.




Sammy Benjamin wrote :


I am proud that you have an opinion in this case however small it may be.


I thank you for your kinds words.


My response to the underlined text is :


But my advise remains, do send in your comments and always add, these are my opinions unless you can prove them with background information J.


Best Regards,




UPDATED : July 26th 2010

Abrahams Children and DNA Testing

When I was being challenged about my family Jewishness, these concerns raced in my mind if I was really a Jew or not because the learned orthodox Jews who silently refuse to give me the basic privileges of a Jew had put this insecurity in my mind. But I often wondered if they were really as purely Jewish as they claimed to be because I understand Jews came form the Middle East and hence should have a dark complexion and produce plenty or Melanin to produce dark er complexions.

So what if there was the same mixing of races in the European Jews that they seem to decree upon the Jews of ethnic background such as Africa, Asia and even the Middle East. I truly believe there is such a mixing in ALL types of Jews. I guess those who are more in numbers seem to make the rules that are catered to benefit their own kind. I wonder if they know that God does not reward such partial and discriminating practices . I am sure this is not intentional but an act of doing nothing to fix issues that don't affect them. Like a silent approval.

I hope my emails messages are reaching the chief rabbis of Israel so they can themselves make a ruling in such matters (and educate me) and send a message to all orthodox teachers around the world to help UNITE the Jews and not DIVIDE us which will stop the FAVORING of certain races over others.

UPDATED : November 6th 2011

Per Talmudic teachings there might be no Jews

Here is a comical spin to the question that no learned person has dared to answer. It is slightly insulting, but far less than what is subjected by the silent denial of Judaism to those who are asked to prove their Jewishness.

Over a period of time it has become a belief that it does not matter what orthodox folks might think about who is Jewish. It is we ourselves that define if we are a Jew by doing our part of celebrating the mitzvots and halachas of Judaism.

Enjoy: Video 4

Updated - Feb 22, 2013

Listen carefully to what the Rabbi explains :

"Genology in the bible is only passed down from father to son."

Based on these grounds, it is incorrect for the orthodox to deny true Jews their identity. If they use the correct belief to explan this important aspect of Judaism, then they should not and cannot turn it 180 degrees to mean exatly the opposite when acknowledging the identity and rights of Jews to be accepted.

I will quote one more time the most important line that is repeated in our prayer books.

"I am the God of Avraham, Isshach and Yacov..."


If you read up to here you must be a compulsive reader or really interested in this matter. I salute you either way.

Letter to REPLY to is here :


My statements are true to my knowledge and very heartfelt. They are clean and frank like a little child who speaks his mind and does not bar anything. This trait is what gets me in trouble all the time. I feel sometimes that God is the one who wills that I do this as I would never have the courage to so on my own accord.”


Description: http://bbvii.com/feedback2/bbvii.jpg

A Down2Earth View Point


Description: http://bbvii.com/feedback2/imageJ1U.JPG

Description: http://bbvii.com/feedback2/imageTES.JPG



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